chapter twenty-eight

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Tom is such a fucking psycho. I should've known he didn't actually forget his phone. As mad as I am right now, I do like the idea of him protecting me like that.

Seeing Lorenzo in that meeting and him threatening me did feel a little scary, to be honest. All he had to do was tell Tom who I am and it would've all been over that instant.

I already know my arm is gonna bruise.

I'm fucking exhausted and sick and tired of all these damn meetings one after another. We're on the way back to the rental house to pick up our things, then we can go back home finally.

"You're insane Tom."

He looks away from the road to look at me, "I wasn't about to let that man put his hands on you like that like it's okay juliette." he says in such a soft voice.

"How bad did you hurt him?"

"Bad enough. It's only the consequences of his actions."

Fuck, if Tom really hurt him that's it. Lorenzo will tell my father what happened and they won't hesitate to come down here and cause a huge fucking scene. Blowing everything up before I could even get the chance to explain to Tom.

The clock is ticking.

Tom puts his hand on my thigh, squeezing it just a little.

I smile. "You know, that blood really brings out your eyes." I look at the blood, then I meet his eyes.

He smiles and turns back to face the road, "I never want you to stop looking at me the way you are right now."

I stare at his eyes, then his Adam's apple, and my eyes naturally go down to his hands. The way his veins pop out so effortlessly, just the way he's sitting while he drives looks sexy.

Everything about him is sexy.


I'm being shaken awake, it takes me only a second to slowly open my eyes and see toms hand on me, gently shaking me.

"Juliette, come on open your eyes. We're home," he says so softly it only makes me want to go back to sleep.

His large warm hands caress my leg, and I open my eyes again, "already?"

He smiles and undoes my seatbelt. He gets out of the car and gets our bags from the back seat. We're in the driveway, I see all the other 3 cars parked.

I open my door and step out, "how long was I asleep?" I ask Tom as we begin walking to the front door.

"Just under 3 hours." he smiles.

He unlocks the door just in time before I freeze to death out here.

"JULIETTE!!" Vivian says, immediately wrapping me up in her arms. I smile.

"Missed me that much?" we pull away and smile at each other. "You know it," she says.

She takes my hand and we walk into the living room and collapse on the couch, Tom goes upstairs to put our stuff away.

"Sooo, was it as boring as I think I was?" she says.

I sigh. "So boring."

She laughs, "If you're up for it, we're going shopping tomorrow to find out outfits for the charity ball. If you're tired we can go some other time."

"Oh yeah! Yeah, we can go, just you, Mia, and me right?"

She nods.

"Oh wow! What happened to you?" she says looking at my arm. I look and it's much more purple now, becoming more visible.

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