chapter sixteen

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Zion put me in a different room after what I did back in the other room.

I managed to get my ropes loose, so when he came back in the room, when he got close to me again kneeling in front of me, I used my knee and kicked up against his jaw then I started kicking him, and then punching him.

He was bleeding.

I almost got away, I was halfway up the stairs and he grabbed my foot, I kicked him back and he fell back down the stairs. He got up quickly and then pulled my leg so I fell down the stairs with him.

He hit me in my face, and put the cloth over me again. Now I just woke up here.

It makes me so fucking mad at how close I was to getting away.

If only I would have hit him a few more times I would've been safe right now. But he's so mad, the next time he comes in, he might actually kill me.

He was bleeding so much.

My head is fucking killing me right now, that chemical whatever it is is getting to me now that he keeps using it on me.

All day he's been coming in here asking me questions and after I didn't answer he would dose me again and when I would wake up he'd repeat it all over again.

My dad is probably looking for me too, great.

My body hurts everywhere, I don't think I can even walk. There's blood on me, mine, and Zions. I'm exhausted, I haven't slept in almost 24 hours.

just as I was about to get at least 20 minutes of sleep before Zion comes back with more questions for me, I hear so many gunshots going off.

This can only mean one thing, it's either my dad, or it's Tom.

please be Tom.

there are so many gunshots, and I hear yelling up there. It must be loud as fuck up there if I can hear it down here.

And the door bursts open.

so many emotions hit me at once. I can't describe the feeling, my bones crash against each other and my breath falters.

I can feel the shock go to my core, it feels like it hits me a million times. His expression was serious, but as soon as his eyes made contact with him, it softened completely.

"JULIETTE— Juliette—" he says to me. He comes to me and kneels in front of me, his hands are on either side of my face, and his eyebrows are furrowed.

His eyes are looking directly into mine, and I feel safe. I feel warm. I knew he would find me, and he's here.

He takes the duct tape off of my face, "Tom." I say to him. His face melts even more just hearing me say his name.

He begins taking the rope off of me, his eyes examine my body. There's blood all over.

"God Juliette, are you alright?! you have no idea what I did to come find you. I'm so sorry-" his voice cracks, "I'm so sorry, I should've been right next to you and none of this would've happened."

He's so sincere, we're both feeling so many emotions right now. I know it. Even though we both feel it right now, we didn't say anything.

"you're here. you're really here Tom." I say, a part of me still believes this is a dream. But just hearing the way he spoke, and the way he feels, I know it's real.

Tom saved me.

The last ropes fell off of me and I stood up, and I collapsed in his arms. Everything feels right in the moment. He wraps me in his arms completely. He holds me, one arm right around my waist, and the other on the back of my head. It felt oddly comforting.

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