chapter forty-one

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The closer I come to this house only makes the nerves in my body go fucking crazy. They're jumping, and just going crazy inside of me. There's goosebumps all over me.

I haven't been here in weeks. Although, I could never forget its beauty. This house is magnificent.

I don't know what I'm gonna tell Bill. How do you even go about this?

Hey Bill, so I think my father kidnapped your brother to get back at him and is probably gonna kill him.

Yeah, I think not.

This is already so complicated. I should've just left Bill to find Tom on his own, he could've done it.

This means I have to talk to my father again. Fuck me. Like actually I need somebody to murder me so that I don't have to deal with any of this shit.

But oh my god, that worry that I could just hear in Bill's voice. We both can just feel something isn't right here. It's wrong. It feels so wrong.

Bill must be feeling terrible. I can only imagine what he's thinking right now.

It would've been selfish of me to just not help Bill right now. I'm always going to be a part of this no matter how much I don't want to. There's always gonna be that tie between them, and my father.

I'm right in the middle of that tie. And it fucking sucks.

After losing Gustav, Bill needs his brother. And georg needs his best friend.

I finally pull into the long ass driveway and begin to drive up. He must've seen I entered the driveway through the cameras, because when I finally reached the top, he was standing outside of the front door waiting for me.

I come to a stop, pulling the key out of the ignition and unbuckling my seatbelt. My heart is racing against its own rhythm.

I step outside of my car, but it feels as if there's just this force trying to suck me back into the car. But I fight against it, shutting the car door behind me, and I'm immediately greeted with the cold air against my skin.

I see Bill walking towards me, but when he finally reaches me, he doesn't say a word. Instead, he just pulls me into him and wraps his arms around me. Holding me tight and close. I can just feel the disparity in this hug. He needs my help.

And I'm gonna do whatever I can do give it to him.

"Thank you for coming. I know this isn't easy." He whispers. He knows what I'm feeling right now. I can only feel the warmth that Bill is providing me with right now, and that chill that lingered in my chest. In my heart.

"What can I do?" I finally say.


"Who else knows?" I say to Bill as we're now standing in his office. It's organized mostly.

"Georg and Vivian. They're out driving around right now looking for him." He's typing into his computer.

"And you're positive that he's missing? He didn't just run off to blow off some steam or something?" I say. This time, Bill stops typing and stands up, and looks directly at me.

"Trust me. Tom is missing. I can feel it," He claws at his heart. "My brother is missing, Juliette. I know something isn't right, and it's eating me alive." He says.

I sit down in the chair behind me, with my head in my hands. This is so much harder than I thought.

I thought I could just come here and try my best to help Bill right now, but just after walking into that house, I see Tom everywhere.

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