chapter fifty-seven

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Mia takes me in her arms, holding me tight and close to her, "God I've missed you, Juliette, are you okay?!" She hugs me tighter, burying her face into my shoulder.

"Yes," I breathe, "I'm alright, I'm so glad you're here." I close my eyes slowly, trying to savor this small moment of peace I've been given.

I really needed this right now.

After Mia and I let each other go, Vivian was quick to wrap me in her arms.

"Georg told me what happened, it's fucking insane." She pulls back from the hug and puts her hands on my shoulders, "Are you doing okay Juliette?" She looks genuinely concerned for me.

I nod slowly, giving her a soft smile.

"I'm gonna need you to explain everything to be in detail, Juliette," Mia says in a serious tone.

I nod and then guide them into Bill's office where it's empty and quiet, the perfect place to explain everything.

Mia and Vivian walked in first, after I walked into the room I closed the door behind me.

"So how is everyone? How is Bill?" Mia says, taking a seat in one of Bill's luxury chairs. Everything in this office is luxurious, Bill makes an effort to make sure everything matches and looks incredible.

"They're fine, I think. And Bill?" I say, giving her a slightly confused look, "Bill is fine as well. We had coffee together this morning, and he said he hasn't slept at all yet." I answer her question.

"Okay enough about the boys, what happened last night?" Vivian says, leaning against the desk.

"So, as you know, Tom and I made up and everything is okay between us now. Last night, I decided that I finally wanted to put an end to all of this bullshit, so I went to my father." I pause to make sure they're following along so far.

They both nod.

"And then, when I arrived at my father's place, he tried to poison the dinner he made for me to kill me, and so I purposely knocked my wine glass over to create some sort of distraction," I say and Mia smiles softly.

"He went downstairs to get something to clean the wine, so I followed him down to the basement, and I cornered him and shot both of his legs," Vivian gasps, "And then Rowan—who was a friend of my fathers and my former babysitter from years ago—showed up and he cornered me, and took my gun so I was defenseless..." I take a breath and a break to make sure they're still following along and understanding.

"Wait—Rowan the guy whose face you fucked up with his own knife? And he has like that giant scar on his face now? That Rowan?!" Mia asks, leaning forward a bit.

Vivian gasps quietly again, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth.

I nod to answer Mia, "Yes, that Rowan."

"Okay..... Continue." Vivian says, folding her arms and paying close attention.

"Okay, anyway so Rowan was trying to like seduce me or something and he kissed me," They both gasp, "And I had to play along to steal his gun, which I did and then I shot him..." They gasp even louder.

"With his own gun?!" Vivian asks.

I nod slowly, "Yes..."

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