chapter sixty

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Last night was probably the best sleep I've gotten in days. It's the one night I hadn't had a nightmare since what happened with my father.

It's thanks to Tom, and him taking me away from all of that just like he promised.

I shifted slightly in bed so I could look outside of the window, giving me some sense of time. Sun crept into the room, through the light curtains.

I look back beside me to see Tom still sleeping, so pure and so innocent. He's like a painting, a beautiful piece of art.

One that I'd pay millions for to see every day, but I get to see it for free.

His skin looks so soft, almost glowing from the early sunlight that found its way into the room, and claimed it's spot on him.

I can't help but smile at the sight.

God his features, they're so gentle. Especially when he's asleep like this, I could stare at him forever. Just like this.

I slowly up in the bed, resting against the soft headboard behind me.

But Tom reacts immediately, those soft and gentle features that once were on his face were now replaced with something else. With worry and fear.

His chest practically heaving, sitting straight up quickly.

He then sees me, awake and sitting up, safe and unharmed and his expression softens again.

What just happened?

"Tom?" I ask quietly, "What's wrong?"

He exhaled softly, "Nothing, I was just—making sure you were okay..." He sits back against the headboard, joining me.

But that's when I understood what just happened.

Last night when he told me that nobody was going to find us here, he wasn't entirely sure. He has no control over whether or not someone does actually find us here, if Milo finds us.

He thought something happened to me—he thought that Milo did find me, and he took me away—and that's why he sat up and looked so frantically for me.

He's scared too.

I gently place my hand into his, providing him with some sense of comfort, "I'm okay, I'm right here."

There are so many things I want to say to him. So many things I need to tell him, and so much I have to do.

He tilts his head to look at me, "How did you sleep last night?" He says.

"This bed is like a cloud, I slept amazing." I laugh softly. "What about you?"

He nods, smiling, "Perfect," He slides his arm over me, pulling me back down into bed with him.

The smile on my face only grows wider.

"I have a special day planned," He says and I can hear the sly smile on his face, "It starts soon, but first..."

The next thing I feel are his lips all over me. Starting from my lips, trailing across my jaw, and down my neck.

I feel him smile against my skin as he looks at me, "We need to shower," He stands up from the bed, preparing to drag me alone with him.

"Together?" I asked as he took both of my hands into his own, gently pulling me up from bed.

I stand up with his support, wrapping my arms over his shoulders.

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