chapter fifty-two

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I can hardly even feel my feet as they hit the ground, my heart beats way too fast it physically hurts. There's definitely a chance of me getting a fucking heart attack right now.

I bolt inside of the house, slamming into the front door with the side of my body, and the door practically comes off of its hinges.

Every single part of my body hurts right now.

My eyes frantically search the space for any sign of Juliette, but the further I run into the house, the more it just seems..... familiar?

I ran into a room, seeing food placed nicely on the table, it looked like it's been perfectly set up, for the set of a movie or something.

But then I see the glass shattered all over the floor, and wine splattered across the rug. I bend down to get a closer look at the wine, to make sure it's not blood.

The closer I get, the more visible the footsteps become. She must have stepped in the wine before she walked in the direction the footsteps were going.

I stand up immediately and start running in the direction of the footsteps.

And it's only when I reach the stairs that I finally realize where I'm at.

This is the place where Lucian had been torturing me first, before he tied me up with rope again and threw me into the back of a car.

I ran down the stairs too fast, skipping multiple stairs before I finally got to the bottom and my heart could hardly contain itself.

Fuck man. My heart.

Everything in the world slowed down when I saw a man lying on the floor, with blood puddled around his body.

And then I saw her.

I look at the angel, Juliette standing in front of me. But she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at the man that was in front of her.

She stands here, with the dead bodies of two men that are double her size. She killed them both.

And then she turned back at the sound of my footsteps, and she looked at me.

Her eyes sparkled with tears, and she stood there in shock as she looked back at me. But she didn't say a word.

"Tom?" She says my name as I stare at her in a complete state of awe. And I can feel it then, in that exact moment. I can feel the change in her voice, the fear and the pain.

My eyes soften as I watch her, her face pulls together yet her emotions have overcome her, out of control, her eyes assault me with their wildness. She's angry. She's afraid. She's angry at herself for being afraid.

I don't waste another second and I walk up to her, taking her in between my arms. I pull her into my arms, and every nerve, every bone, and every muscle in my body becomes undone as she clings to me.

"Tell me what you want," I say desperately to her. "Tell me what to do, and I will do it for you Juliette, anything," I say to her, and then I see Lucian.

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