chapter four

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This party is starting to blow. I was talking with bill for a while, he left though to go dance with some girl.

Gustav is drunk, still holding onto the girl from the other night. Georg is with Vivian, and I hate everybody else here.

I grabbed a drink from the bar and was about to head upstairs, "stop, what are you doing? get away!" I heard coming from the first lounge.

Wait a fucking second.

That voice sounds familiar.

What the fuck?

I walked away from the stairs where I was headed, instead I started walking towards the lounge.

Then I see Juliette, sitting with the guy from the bar I presume. Holy fuck, this is Andrew Weston. What the fuck is he doing at my fucking party.

Then I realize what he is doing, Juliette is passed out on the couch with a drink in her hand. This fucking dick. All of this anger rose from within my body, I want to kill him.

Before I knew it I grabbed him up from the couch by his shirt and threw him back into the wall, and hit him directly in the face. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I yelled in his ear.

"Fuck off" that's all he said, and I can't take it anymore.

This asshole sneaks into parties and drugs girls, he takes advantage of them. Andrew Weston is a fucking dead man. What would he have done to Juliette if I weren't here?

I hit him again, harder and I let him fall to the ground. I stood over him and hit him more.

"If you touch her again, i will make you fucking burn." I said, and he's crying. Begging me to stop. Trying to push me away. But it does nothing, it only makes me want to keep hitting him.

I want to hear how much pain I'm giving him. I want him to suffer.

"She's just a random whore why do you fucking care kaulitz!!" He said, and I paused. He's right, why do I care.

Then I hit him again.

And again.

And again.

"If I ever see you anywhere near this house or this girl, I will come for you until I have your fucking head in my hand." I spat on him before bill, vivian and georg burst into the room.

All they seen is be standing over a guy who's been beaten bloody, and Juliette. She's knocked out on the sofa from whatever drugs he put in her drink.

Suddenly I remember, she's right there. High over her mind unconscious on some drug.

"Tom?! What the fuck happened?!" Bill said looking at Andrew on the floor. He's now in a fetal position. Barely breathing, I remember his cruel intentions again. I can't take it, I drag him by his shirt and take him to the front of the house outside.

I threw him back on the ground, "burn in fucking hell you filthy animal." I said.

then I pulled the trigger.

I called zario, he cleans up and takes care of these things for us. He's loyal. Let him know there's a dead body waiting for him in my front yard.

I came inside and Vivian was knelt down beside Juliette.

"What did you do Tom? What happened here?" Bill said again, this time hitting me on the shoulder. "He was going to hurt her." Is all I could say.

I don't really know why I did this. I don't know this girl at all, yet it's just the way she's not afraid to say all these stupid things to me and she's not afraid.

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