chapter fifty-one

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I walk up slowly behind him, quietly, not making a sound.

I reach the bottom of the basement, and walk towards the room where I know he's at.

Fuck man, I'm so nervous. I need to calm the fuck down.

This is only what Lucian deserves. Nothing but death. He is a terrible man, all he does is lie, steal, scam, and kill.

He killed an entire family just because the father of that family owed him money, all of those lives had to be ended over fucking money.

There were two fucking kids in that family.

And he killed them. Lucian is a monster. He is nothing but that. A cruel, disgusting animal. He deserves death, and I'm here to deliver that.

This is for that family he killed, for those children, for the tons of innocent people he so selfishly stole the lives of.

This is for Tom, how Lucian tied him up like it was a slaughterhouse, and nearly killed him.

And this is for me.

For everything he's put me through, all of it.

I can't wait any longer, slowly I creep up behind him, my heart is beating so fast and loud I can hear it.

The tip of my gun taps the back of his head, and his body stiffens.

Oh my god.

"Juliette?" He says, completely frozen in movement.




What the actual fuck was she thinking putting her life in danger like this?

I've been calling and texting and she hasn't responded to one of them, it's killing me inside and out literally.

I'm losing my mind right now trying to tell myself that she's gonna be fine, but nothing feels right.

After I left Zario's place I got straight on the highway and started driving to the address he sent me, which he didn't bother to mention was two fucking hours away.

I didn't even think to call Bill or Georg, my mind was in a totally different place. But now that I'm basically here, it's too late to even call them. No use if they're gonna get here two hours later.

The closer I got to the address, the more angry I got for some reason. Not at Juliette of course, but instead at myself.

For allowing Juliette to slip away from me, again. I don't know what to do, all that I know is that I need to get to her immediately.

I bring my car to a sudden stop, and before exiting the car I check to make sure my gun is properly loaded and secured. I parked a little down the block from the actual address, because knowing Lucian, he's got to have guards stationed at the front.

I need to be ready, because I have to park in front of the house so Juliette and I have a fast and easy escape.

Once I'm sure my gun is ready, I start my car again and press the gas pedal down all the way, the only thing I want right now is Juliette.

And nothing is going to stop me.

I don't care if there are twenty guards in front of this house, I will get to Juliette. I will kill every single one of them if I have to.

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