chapter thirty-eight

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Mia left a few minutes ago, I've just been laying in the exact same spot just staring at this ceiling. Thinking about what my last few days have been like.

It's all too much.

So much has happened, so much has changed. Nothing turned out the way I would've liked it to, it's all screwed up. It's like a huge mess.

I need to move on, and think about my future now. All of that which was Tom and the others, but that's all a part of my past now.

I think it's time to just put that behind me, the deal is over and to be quite honest, everything that I thought I once had with Tom is completely over too. So there's no reason for me to keep dwelling on the past. Or over him.

It was a childish thing to do, this deal to ruin the lives of people that I didn't even know. It was childish on my father's part. What's even more unbelievable is that he made his own daughter do the work for him.

The drive here from the hospital was quiet, we didn't say much. All I could think about was Gustav and the night of the ball.

I feel terrible about it. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick. I can't bare it.

I think it'll just be best if I talk to my father to get my old apartment back, then from there, I'll get a job and save up enough money to move out of there and away from my father, for good.

I know it's a lot to be stressing over, considering the fact that I was in a fucking coma. But I hate feeling so needy, having to stay here in Milo and Mia's apartment, with nothing to offer to them.


"Alright, this should be everything," Mia says and drops a cardboard box on the floor in the middle of the room. The second she drops the box, she puts her hand on her back and sighs.

I walk over to her and the box and sit down next to it, "Thank you." I smile at her.

"Who brought the box out? Or did you go inside?" I ask her.

"Georg brought it out and put it in the backseat for me...." She pauses. "He said that Tom packed it up for you." She says his name and it's like a flash of memories come to the front of my head.

"Oh, okay. Well, thank you for picking it up for me." I place on a fake smile, and she smiles at me before she leaves the room.

Tom packed this box for me, I opened it to find my makeup, shampoo, and body wash, and all of my clothes folded nicely. There were random little hair ties in here that belonged to me, and my jewelry was packed in separate pouches to keep them from tangling.

It sort of felt like opening a box of memories, even though all of this stuff is mine.

I spent the next thirty minutes or so putting all of the stuff away, taking out my already folded clothes and putting them into the drawer, and hanging up the clothes that wrinkle easily in the closet. Just taking everything out of the box and putting it away so that I didn't just have this box laying around.

"Dinners ready Juliette!" I hear Mia call from the kitchen.

I kick the box away from the door and open it and walk towards the kitchen. It smells great, absolutely delicious.

I see Milo standing over the stove, and Mia looking in the cabinet, getting plates.

"It smells delicious Milo," I say, announcing myself as I enter the kitchen. Mia smiles at me and hands me a plate.

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