chapter seventeen

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We just got back to the safe house, Tom told me we were only gonna stay for tonight and then leave back home tomorrow.

We stepped inside, all of us still wet from the rain. This house was just as beautiful as their house back at home.

Grand, and classy.

I was still wearing toms jacket even though it wasn't doing any good at keeping me warm. My clothes still have blood all over them, and my body aches.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Tom said to me. He guided me up the stairs until we walked into his room.

He shut the door behind me, his room here is so beautiful and dark.

"There's a bathroom right there," he pointed, "you can shower, and there's towels, I'll bring you something to wear." So I nodded and went into the bathroom.

This is the first time I've gotten to look at myself in the mirror. I looked so pale. My hair is wet, there's a cut on my cheekbone where Zion hit me, and his blood is on my clothes.

I turned the shower on, I've just realized I haven't eaten at all. I'm so hungry.

I took off my clothes and stepped under the warm water. The second it made contact with my skin, I imagined Zion's dirty touch washing off of me. All that guilt and fear, coming off and going down the drain.

"Juliette?" Tom asked, cracking the bathroom door. "You can come in, I'm in the shower." I said.



I walked further into the bathroom, and placed her clothes on the counter.

Knowing Juliette was just on the other side of that shower, naked, made me go crazy.

Bill, Vivian, and georg went back to the villa to grab all of our luggage earlier today. So I just went into Juliette's suitcase and picked out something for her to wear to sleep.

I even got to pick her underwear, that's not the point. What I'm trying to say is it's just the simple things I do for her that make me feel something even deeper for her.

I picked up her wet clothes off the floor, and shut the door behind me. I threw them in the washing machine with mine.

I changed clothes after Juliette got in the shower, "is there anything to eat?" I asked Gustav who was sitting in the kitchen.

I know Juliette must be starving. She hasn't eaten all day, or slept at all. "Check for yourself, Vivian and Bill got groceries, remember?" He said, continuing to eat his cereal.

I opened the fridge, but nothing.

I ended up just getting eggs and toast. I know it's not ideal to eat breakfast this late at night, but it's all we have. And I know she'll like it since it's what she ordered when we got room service at the hotel.

Just as I was about to put the bread in the toaster, I remembered. Juliette doesn't like the edges.

I peeled off the edges of the bread, and stuck it in the toaster. "Don't you like the edges?" Bill asked, now standing beside me watching.

"It's not for me, it's for Juliette." I said and went back to the stove where I was making her eggs.

I looked back at Bill who was too silent, he was giving me the look.

"Really Tom?" He asked, turning away and opening the fridge. "Really what?" I said.

"You really made an effort to actually do something that's not for yourself? Are you... capable of human decency?" He sarcastically asked, his mouth open.

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