chapter fifty-nine

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I want to give her everything. Everything I'm capable of, I want to give it all to her. She deserves every piece and more.

So that's why I'm bringing her here, to spend this special weekend with me, just to two of us with no distractions.

But I can tell she's still nervous and anxious about the recent events, she's tense. She's constantly looking over her own shoulder and she won't just let me in.

And obviously, I'm not going to pressure her into talking about this that she isn't ready for, knowing that what has happened to her was so recent.

Even though Lucian was a spawn of the devil himself, he was still her very own father. So I understand her feelings.

However, I don't feel one ounce of regret for letting him burn to nothing but ash. Literally.

But after this weekend, I'll have everything I need. I'm going to make Juliette forget all of her problems, she's going to be in heaven and what makes it even better is that I'm the one giving it to her.

She's my angel after all.

The breeze from outside hits me in the face as I set out our towels on the sunbathing chairs. Juliette is inside changing so that we can go for a swim since the weather is so nice right now.

Sunset is about to pass, which I think is the perfect time of the day to be outside.

I laid back on the chair waiting for her, but all I could seem to think about right now is this stupid fucking meeting with Milo.

I don't even know this fucking asshole yet this meeting is all I can think about. What's really making me mad is that even zario—who can literally find anyone and anything in minutes—can't find anything on him.

We've called friends and Allies of ours and nobody seems to know of anybody even named Milo.

Just thinking about it is putting me in a terrible mood.

I'm going to keep Juliette safe, that's why I brought her so far out here to this house. All in an attempt to keep her safe, because I'll bring chaos to protect what's mine.

"Have you felt the water yet?" Juliette says from behind me, making me turn towards her voice.

Her in a bikini will never fail to take my breath away.

I sit up, "Waiting for you," A small smile crept onto my face as she walked to the chair next to mine and placed her towel down. "Are you gonna get in, or sit there and look pretty?" I ask.

She laughs, "Please, I didn't come out here to lay here and watch you enjoy the water all by yourself," She's in front of me holding a hand out to me, "Let's get in the hot tub, I don't have to touch that water to know it's freezing."

I hadn't even thought about it being the middle of winter, but her mentioning the hot tub sure sounds good to me.

I place my hand in hers and let her guide me to the hot tub, the warm water making my bones feel at ease again after being so tense recently.

My cuts and gashes have begun the process of scabbing, they don't hurt nearly as much as when I first got them.

Everything feels like a dream to me right now, I'm sitting here in this hot tub with the woman of my dreams after fate getting in our way too many times, watching the sunset, and awaiting our future.

But this time, I'm not dreaming anymore. This is real, she's real.

"Is there any food in the house? I'm starving." She says, coming up to sit next to me as we both face the explosion of colors in the sky during the sunsetting.

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