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Welcome to His Obsession! For those of you who have been following me since my previous books, I'm back with a Top Tae story this time! I sincerely hope you'll enjoy it, but before I get started, I'd like to remind you that this fanfiction will contain:





Maybe BDSM and public sex

Cross dressing

Top/Dominant Tae

Bottom/Sub Kook

Violence, murder and others dark theme

BUT be aware that no matter what kind of sex Taekook have, it will always be consensual. Both will be perfectly fine with that. But don't worry, there'll be fluff too! I love Taekook, and with me love always triumphs!

On that note, I hope you enjoy reading this, and please don't hesitate to vote and comment!


The weather was fine that day. The morning breeze was a little cold, but that was to be expected when spring was just beginning. There were no clouds on the horizon, and the sun's rays bathed the surroundings in light and warmth. Yes, it should have been a beautiful day.

The little boy stood with his arms at his sides. His fingertips were reddened, the air still too cold for his fragile skin. But he didn't feel the pain. He didn't feel that pain. His black hair, longer than most boys his age, danced in the wind, often tangling and pressing against his face. Everyone who crossed his path said the same thing about him: he was absolutely adorable, with his puffy little cheeks that flushed when he was embarrassed or complimented, that angelic little smile that often played on his lips, and his big doe eyes, in which you could see whole galaxies.

But today, they were devoid of emotion.

He seemed to be staring off into the distance, disinterested. It was as if he were dead inside, as if nothing could touch him. He couldn't feel the pain of the cold.

Suddenly he heard a sniff, which drew him out of his thoughts. Taking his eyes off the lamppost that had been piquing his curiosity for a good ten minutes now, the child looked down at the woman in front of him. She was crouched down with her back to him, but the regular lifting of her shoulders and her constant sniffling told him she was crying. He quickly scanned his surroundings and saw that they were alone. Just him and her.

They'd all gone.

He hadn't even noticed. The place had emptied out without him noticing. In the end, he didn't really care. If they'd left so quickly, they weren't worth it. He refocused his attention on the woman, who hadn't stopped crying. Her black hair, normally tied up in a perfect bun, was now flying in all directions, and the soil had started to attack her long black skirt and moccasins. She was in a sad state, and seeing her like this upset the boy even more.

"Mom." he called in a small, frail, almost inaudible voice.

The woman didn't answer, continuing to cry. The boy sighed and let his gaze wander to the object of all their misery. There it was, standing in all its splendour, grey and smooth. The stone wasn't very good quality, his mother alone didn't have much money, but it was there all the same.

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