- Forty-eighth -

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Célia was disgusted, it was humiliating and sickening. She wanted to look away, but she couldn't. It was as if her body refused, as if her mind wanted her to look. To see what she would never have. A relationship that was far beyond what she could bear.

Taehyung's hands were gripping Jeongguk's hips as he moaned in pleasure, his head thrown back and his mouth slightly ajar as the gangster pounded into him relentlessly. Jeongguk was in heaven, feeling everything more intensely. And his excitement kept rising as he felt the eyes of the three hostages on them. And particularly Celia's.

It couldn't be called jealousy. It couldn't be, for the simple reason that Taehyung had never belonged to Celia. Even if they had slept together, Taehyung had only ever really laid eyes on Jeongguk. And the singer himself had already had sex with other men before the gangster. They were adults, Jeongguk certainly wasn't going to mind. They weren't teenagers anymore.

But the very fact that she could imagine stealing Taehyung away from him made him angry. As soon as he thought about what this woman hoped to take his man away from him, an ugly feeling sprang up inside him. He just wanted to destroy her, but not just physically. He wanted to crush her hopes, her dreams, rip everything away from her. Jeongguk was completely rotten. He'd known that for a long time, and now that ugliness was manifesting itself more than ever.


The gangster slowed down and looked into Jeongguk's eyes, which were suddenly serious, almost worried. Taehyung frowned.

"What is it, dove?"

The singer leaned in slightly, whispering the words that followed, to make sure that this conversation stayed between them. Jeongguk was full of weaknesses, he knew, but he refused to expose them to anyone but Taehyung. He was the only one he trusted enough to expose himself fully, without a mask.

"I'm horrible, aren't I...?" he murmured, his voice cracking a little.

He didn't need to explain any further for Taehyung to understand. For him to understand what he was implying, to understand the worries that had been eating him, not for a few minutes, but for years now. Had he become a monster? Had he become as monstrous as his tormentors? As vile as Minho? Suddenly he felt horribly dirty. What he wanted to do to Celia was wrong. He knew that and yet he couldn't stop himself. He wanted so much to hurt her, even though his reasons were minor. You don't hurt someone so much for so little. So why did he need to do it so badly?

"Horrible?" Taehyung thought. "What exactly does that mean?"

Jeongguk frowned at his question. And he was all the more confused because Taehyung was smiling comfortingly and stroking his hips affectionately.


"These days, being 'horrible', being 'altruistic' don't mean anything." Continued the gangster, without giving Jeongguk a chance to protest. "We all have bad thoughts. No human being leaves this world having ever wished anyone ill. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. We all have one or more people that we want to see suffer, that we want to strangle to death, seeing the life leave their eyes little by little. So from that point of view, we're all 'horrible'."

He paused, seeing that Jeongguk was looking at him with his big doe eyes. At times like this, he looked so innocent. Taehyung felt bad that someone so adorable had suffered so much. It was at times like these that his previous words made the most sense.

"The only difference," he continued, "is that some people do the deed, and others don't. That's when we decided to separate good from evil. But that doesn't change what's inside us. Do you think these three aren't horrible too? You think they've never had the same thoughts as you?"

"But I've done the deed..." replied Jeongguk in a small voice.

Taehyung gave him another kind smile, and took his left hand off his hip to tenderly caress his cheek.

"Jeongguk, no one is innocent. People made you suffer before you decided to make others suffer. I'm not saying it's right. It's wrong. But so what? Why should we care? This violence, these murderous needs, these 'horrible' thoughts, they are what make you who you are. They are you. And darling, if only you knew how beautiful you are when you're you..."

Jeongguk couldn't contain the red that spread to his cheekbones, and quickly hid himself in the gangster's neck, who immediately closed his arms around his little figure.

"So... if I asked you to beat them up, all three of them, right now, for no reason at all, would you do it?" Asked the singer again, in a whisper.

"Right away."

Jeongguk didn't say anything after that, but instead just started moving again, gently lifting his pelvis, before crushing it again, Taehyung's hard member penetrating him with violence. It wasn't long before the two resumed their intense session, excited by the looks their prisoners were giving them.

"Then do it, please." Jeongguk finally sighed, in between thrusts.

Taehyung nodded, speeding up his movements. Jeongguk couldn't hold back his moans, clinging tighter to the gangster's shoulders. They had sex many times now, so Taehyung knew exactly where to strike to make him orgasm. And just then, the thirty-year-old kept pounding his prostate, and they were both approaching their climax. It only took a few more thrusts for both of them to cum heavily, moaning in unison.

Jeongguk immediately dropped onto Taehyung, who locked him in a protective embrace, knowing that his dove liked to be taken care of after sex. It was a thing Jeongguk had discovered in his relationship with Taehyung, probably because no one before him had ever done it.

"You should get dressed and get some rest, dove, to be able to perform well tonight..." Taehyung whispered in his ear as he lovingly stroked his hair.

But Jeongguk shook his head, despite the obvious tiredness in his eyes. Their sex was always intense, it was inevitable when you slept with THE Kim Taehyung.

"No, I want to see..."

"As you wish, my queen..."

Taehyung sent a message, and soon two men entered the room, both dressed in black suits, and stood facing the two lovers. As for Jeongguk, his eyes were riveted on the prisoners, or more specifically Celia. And she was watching him too. She looked absolutely terrified, silently pleading with her eyes. She looked sorry, really.

"Give my queen a show worth him." Taehyung ordered, in a cold voice that contrasted with the one he used to speak to his dove.

And as the two men nodded, Jeongguk couldn't help remembering Yoongi's words. His boss was right.

"Taehyung will draw you into complete darkness, and you'll never be able to come out."

Now it was too late to go back.


I don't encourage violence, or worse, murder. Jeongguk and Taehyung are crazy, just they are crazy together. A toxic relationship.

Hope you liked it💕

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