- Seventh -

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The sun's rays streamed through the barely closed curtains, flooding the room with a gentle warmth. Clothes were strewn all over the room, from shirts to a luxury dress. But they all came together in one place: the bed, on which two people were lying, a man and a woman. The young woman, her long black hair covering part of her naked body, was fast asleep, while the other was already starting to wake up.

He finally sat up and, without glancing at the young woman, climbed out of bed, grabbing his boxer to cover his nakedness, and left the room. He headed straight for the kitchen, wishing only to drink a large cup of coffee to rid himself of the last traces of sleep. Once his cup was full, he went and sat down in one of the armchairs in his living room, facing the large bay window that gave an uninterrupted view of Seoul. He had often been told that with all the money he earned, he could buy a house at least as big as the President's. But there was nothing like the feeling of overlooking the capital. This flat was more than enough for him.

As he sipped his coffee, he suddenly heard the front door slam, and when he heard heels clicking against his parquet floor, he didn't need to turn round to see who it was. There were only two people around him who could afford to come in here without ringing the bell, and only one who was short enough to wear heels all the time.

"May I ask why you've come to see me so early in the morning?" he asked, placing his steaming mug on the coffee table beside him.

The newcomer sighed, running a hand through his long blond hair.

"One of our men has been killed." he replied.

No reaction.

"In a hotel room." he continued. "He was tortured, Tae."

This time, Taehyung frowned. He motioned for him to come closer, which the blond boy did, coming to sit in the armchair opposite his boss. Taehyung turned to him, looking annoyed.

"Who's it?"

"Lim Juwon."

Honestly, the name meant absolutely nothing to him. But that wasn't really what mattered.

"Do you think that could be a threat, Jimin?"

The blond boy dropped back in the chair, his gaze shifting from the bay window to his boss.

"I don't know, I haven't seen anything by myself yet. It was a hotel employee who discovered the body this morning. They called us directly before notifying the police."

"And they did the right thing, I don't want any cops there."

There was silence again as Taehyung seemed to think things over. Even though they'd known each other for a while now, Jimin had to admit that the man was intimidating. His chestnut, almost black, curly hair, a few strands of which fell over his face, sometimes getting in the way of those dark but piercing eyes. Kim Taehyung was as handsome as a Greek god, but he was also frightening. No one really knew what was going on in his head: you didn't want to be his enemy, but you didn't want to be his friend either. Getting too close to him could prove dangerous; the man was an unpredictable sociopath.

"I'll be the judge of that." Taehyung finally concluded, rising to his feet. "Do me a favour Jimin, and get her out of here."

Jimin didn't need to think long to realise who he was talking about: all he had to do was step into the room to see the young woman lying on the bed, fast asleep. Jimin was almost stunned: how could she be sleeping so peacefully in Kim Taehyung's bed? Wasn't she afraid for her life?

Jimin leaned over the bed and gave the young woman a gentle shake. She immediately groaned and slowly opened her eyes. The blond boy moved away from the bed to give her time to wake up. After a few seconds, she sat up again and ignored Jimin, looking around for Taehyung. And she found him by his wardrobe, getting dressed.

"Tae, you could have woken me up!" she moaned, making a disappointed little pout to soften him up.

But the man ignored her completely. Not a glance, not a word, he simply continued to get dressed. And that didn't please the young woman, who got out of bed to join him. But as she approached, he nonchalantly slipped out of the room, pulling his grey suit jacket over his shoulders.

" Yah, what's wrong with him?!"

The young woman followed him, under Jimin's amused but exhausted gaze. It was always funny to see women chasing after Taehyung, but he always wondered where they found the courage and arrogance to hang on when Taehyung showed them no interest. The man was an asshole of the first order, but he'd never hidden that fact. They all knew what he wanted from them.

Jimin followed them into the living room, where Taehyung was reaching for his cup of coffee to finish it.

"Jimin, what hotel did you say this was again?"

"The Astra Luna."


The young woman threw herself onto the sofa, which, for the first time since she woke up, drew Taehyung's attention to her.

"Can I ask what you're doing?" the man asked coldly.

"I'm waiting for my breakfast." She replied calmly.

The two men's eyes widened in surprise. Neither of them had expected such an arrogant response.

"What's next? Do you want me to give you the keys or what?" Taehyung said impatiently.

"We're not at that stage in our relationship yet."

Okay, Taehyung had heard enough.

"Jimin, I'll wait for you in the car, take care of her."

Then he left the flat. The young woman looked satisfied, thinking she'd got what she wanted. But her expression turned to confusion as Jimin grabbed her by the arm and started dragging her towards the door.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" she shouted indignantly.

"Miss Celia, don't make my job any harder. Leave yourself or I'll have to do it the hard way."

"L-Leave? What do you mean, leave? He told you to take care of me!"

Jimin sighed.

"You'll learn, Miss Celia, that Taehyung never used that term with empathy. For him, it's just a classy way of telling me to get rid of you. So either you leave, or I'll kick you out."

Celia was red-faced with shame, but knew she could do nothing against Jimin. So, silently, she gathered up her things, put on her clothes and, under Jimin's relieved gaze, left the flat without a word.


When Taehyung walked through the door of the hotel room, his gaze fell directly on the corpse. And what a state it was in. The man was lying on the bed, his arms stretched out and hanging over the headboard. His whole body was mutilated, his hands nailed to the bed (literally, with real nails from which blood had been pouring out), and...

"Wow, his dick was even ripped off." Taehyung remarked quietly.

Jimin looked away, clearly disgusted by the horror of the scene. Taehyung, for his part, was rather fascinated. Maybe it was a declaration of war, a provocation from another gang, it happened all the time, but in Taehyung's eyes, that possibility was less and less plausible. This murder, the way the body was mutilated, it wasn't meant for him. It was torture, just for the victim.

It was... poetic.


"Yes?" replied the young man without turning to the corpse.

Taehyung smiled. He was excited, and couldn't hide it any longer.

"Find me who did this."


Tae is finally here!!!

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