- Sixty-first -

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"At least now we know we were right."

Jin nodded, keeping his eyes riveted on the abandoned school just a few metres away. Namjoon was at his side, the two of them crouching behind a car at the end of the street, observing the building as discreetly as possible. Of course, they had already planned to remain discreet, but now they were forced to do so, because the entrance to the school was guarded by several guards. In fact, all the entrances to the school were under surveillance. Now the two men knew for sure: Jeongguk was indeed linked to Kim Taehyung, to the extent that the latter had put his gang at his service. The problem was that now they didn't just have to deal with one man, they had to deal with the most dangerous gang in Seoul too.

"We'll never get through..." Seokjin sighed.

He was worried. He had to find Jeongguk, to stop him from committing the irreparable. Although, in the end, what was there to save? If Jeongguk was ever arrested, he would never see the light of day again. He didn't yet know what he would do once he came face to face with his old friend, but Jin couldn't give up. He needed to talk to Jeongguk. Just one last time. He wanted to talk to the real Jeongguk, at least once in his life.

"We might get killed before we've even tried..." he added desperately.

Namjoon bit his cheek, thinking hard as he watched each of the guards carefully. After long seconds, which seemed like an eternity to Seokjin, he finally turned to the detective, gaining his attention.

"Look, Jin, I had no choice but to warn my superiors. They know that Jeongguk is in Busan."

Jin felt his heart clench. He knew that Namjoon had no other choice, that it was his duty, but it still hurt. He felt so horrible...

"They'll take a while to arrive, bearing in mind that I warned them an hour or so after our own departure. So you've got about that long to do something."

Jin frowned.

"What do you mea-"

"I'll create a diversion so you can get in. Forget the main entrance, but there must be a window or something within your reach. Do what you have to do, find Jeongguk and talk to him. But when the police arrive, please don't interfere."

The two men stared at each other for a long time, their eyes shining with feelings far too complex to dare express aloud. Jin finally nodded softly, the words stuck in his throat. Namjoon smiled weakly in response, and ruffled his hair before standing up, careful not to be spotted by the guards.

"After this, I'd like us to talk, Jin. I think... we've got a lot to talk about. A lot of regrets, and also resentment."

Jin agreed. They'd both drowned in grief and remorse, trying miserably to heal their wounds themselves, when they could have done it together. Maybe things would have been a lot different if they'd both supported each other and listened to each other.

"All right, Joon."

The policeman gave him one last smile before discreetly walking away. He waited a minute before a shot rang out in a street beyond, alerting all the guards who rushed to the source of the noise. It didn't take Seokjin long to realise that this was Namjoon's diversion, so he ran towards the building, making sure no-one was around, and quickly circled it until he came upon a window low enough to let him in. Fortunately for him, the place was old and a favourite spot for squatters, so most of the windows were broken. It only took him a few seconds to climb up, and he soon found himself inside the school, in a long, dark corridor, completely deserted. He had to admit, it was a gloomy place. He instinctively grabbed the gun that Namjoon had given him before joining the school, and made sure it was loaded before starting his journey.

He had to find Jeongguk, and quickly.


Minho had a terrible headache. It took him a long time to open his eyes again, his eyelids being so heavy that trying to keep them open quickly became a real ordeal. And when he had more or less regained his senses, he found that he was sitting in a chair, his hands firmly tied behind his back. Everything around him was blurred, and it took him many minutes after that to be able to see properly.

He was still in the classroom, and opposite him was Jeongguk, standing a few metres away, with a man in a suit, with dark hair and a dark look in his eyes.

Kim Taehyung.

Minho's first instinct was to try and stand up, but he couldn't. He looked around, seeing that he was not at all attached to the chair he was sitting on. Yet he was unable to move. His mind was still a little muddled, and it was as if his body had died. No matter how hard he tried to move, none of his limbs would respond.

"Are you finally awake?" Jeongguk asked, seeing Minho struggling to keep his eyes open.

The man grunted in reply, and you could see on his face that he was struggling inside to get up. Or do anything else.

"What have you done to me...?" he managed to articulate, under the gangster's amused gaze.

Jeongguk, for his part, remained unmoved.

"I drugged you." replied the singer calmly. "It was Taehyung who gave me the drug, he told me it would make you conscious but unable to put up any resistance."

He paused to observe Minho's condition for a moment.

"It seems to have worked."

Minho groaned again, his headache pounding relentlessly in his skull.

"Let me go, Jeongguk. You're not cut out to be the bad guy..."

Jeongguk frowned at this remark, while Taehyung gave a dark laugh.

"So what?" Jeongguk asked. "Should I spend the rest of my life playing the victim? For villains like you?"

It was Minho's turn to laugh, a petty, sarcastic laugh.

"Stop playing tough, Jeongguk. You're weak, so weak... And that's why life is against you. That's why you have to suffer. The strong don't suffer. I have the right to hurt you, because I'm strong and you're not."

Jeongguk gritted his teeth, his anger growing as they talked.

"So you're not even prepared to admit that what you did to me was wrong?"

This time Minho managed to keep his eyes open, looking into Jeongguk's eyes, which still showed a certain distress. Minho felt like laughing. Even after all this time, Jeongguk was still afraid of him.

"You deserved what I did to you. You shouldn't have been so weak."

That was too much for Jeongguk. He stepped forward, ready to pounce on Minho as tears welled up in his eyes. But in a split second, he found himself in Taehyung's arms, the man pressing him against him and gently burying the singer's face in the hollow of his neck.

"Shh, shh, calm down..." he whispered to him, so that only Jeongguk could hear. "He doesn't deserve your tears, baby..."

Jeongguk instinctively clung to him, taking long breaths, the gangster's scent soothing him. He was right. He shouldn't show that part of himself to Minho again. He'd never regret what he'd done, so he shouldn't expose his wounds to him. The scumbag didn't deserve them.

Eventually they parted, Taehyung placing a quick kiss on the singer's forehead, and when Jeongguk turned back to Kang, he had regained his composure.

He mustn't flinch. Not now.


Hello! I didn't mention it last time, but the fact that you can't send private messages any more disturbs me. I don't like it. I'm not a very sociable person, even behind a screen I'm still extremely shy, but I still think it's a shame. I'm often stressed and anxious, so I don't really like change. Seeing things change, people leaving and never coming back, makes me feel bad. I'm probably being dramatic, but I wanted to share my feelings somewhere. And you, what do you think?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and see you soon!💕

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