- Forty-first -

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Jeongguk was sitting on a chair, his hands handcuffed. He was alone in a small room, with three grey walls and a tinted window. He had been left there an hour earlier and no-one had come to collect him since. Everything was completely silent, no sound coming through, leaving Jeongguk alone with his thoughts.

His brain was in turmoil. He was so panicked, despite the silence of the room, he could only hear his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't understand what he was doing there, and it terrified him. He imagined dozens of scenarios in his head, each one increasing his anxiety.

Had they found out? Did the police know that he was the killer they'd been looking for, for months? It was the only possible explanation, otherwise why would they have arrested him? What else had he done wrong? But how had they done it? They hadn't found him so far, which meant he'd been careful. They shouldn't have found any evidence now.

And then there was Taehyung. The gangster was supposed to have his back. He had absolute confidence in him, he was sure that Taehyung was alert. Jeongguk was even convinced that he had informants within the police force itself, telling him how the investigation was progressing. So for Jeongguk to have been caught was inconceivable, inexplicable.

And that was what panicked him even more. Taehyung might be powerful, but there was nothing he could do here. Here, in this police station, Jeongguk was completely alone. Were they going to put him in jail? Maybe he would never see Taehyung again. The very thought made him want to cry. He had thought that he would die alone, and that he would accept his fate if the police found him, but now he realised that he had far too much to lose for that. He wanted to go back to Taehyung, to have the gangster wrap his arms around his waist, locking him in a protective embrace. He wanted to hear his sweet voice whispering sweet nothings in his ear, even dirty things. Anything that would assure him that he was with Taehyung, warm and safe.

Or maybe it was Minho? Maybe he'd told the police everything? Jeongguk frowned. It was the most plausible possibility, but on the other hand... Why do it now? When he knows he's got the upper hand? Minho is arrogant, he likes to show that he alone is in control. Besides, if he hands Jeongguk over to the police, he runs the risk of confessing the rape. Because then the singer wouldn't hesitate for a moment. Minho knows that if Jeongguk fall, he'll make sure he takes him with him.

So how did he end up here?

The door suddenly opened, drawing Jeongguk's attention and he looked blankly at the two agents who had come inside, the same ones who had arrested him. There was a man in his thirties, rather discreet, and another in his fifties. It was the first one you noticed, you could feel his experience. The two sat down opposite Jeongguk, placing a folder in front of him. The singer kept his gaze riveted on the older man, showing no emotion. Even though he was terrified, he had learned to hide his fear. A consequence of his trauma: not showing weakness to anyone.

"I'd like to introduce myself," began the older man, "Choi Minhwan, from the drugs squad. This is my colleague, Park Songwhan."

Jeongguk refrained from frowning. The drug squad? Surely it wasn't their job to deal with murder cases, it was the crime squad. Why was it their job to question Jeongguk about a murder case if it wasn't their job to investigate? Everything was getting more and more confusing, and he was starting to get a headache...

"You're Jung Jungkook, right?" asked the policeman, wearing the same neutral expression as the singer.

"Yes," he replied simply.

He knew he had to say as little as possible. He wasn't much of a talker, so that would be easy. But he had to be careful, he didn't know what these two policemen were up to.

"Do you have any idea why you're here?" Officer Choi continued.

Jeongguk shrugged, trying to appear calm without being too suspicious.

"No," he confessed. "But I hope you have a good reason."

The two policemen arched an eyebrow at his provocative answer.


"Seriously, this had better be justified." Jeongguk sighed, annoyance evident in his voice. "I don't know what your reasons were, but you could have called me, sent me a letter, or even waited for me outside work. I'm no expert, but arresting me in my own company, when I'm working, I don't think that's part of the protocol."

The younger of the two, Officer Park, swallowed as he glanced at his superior. Jeongguk had hit the nail on the head: they hadn't followed procedure. Which made the arrest all the more suspicious.

"I don't think you're in any position to be insolent, Mr Jung." Choi said coldly.

"So get to the point, please." replied Jeongguk. "I really don't know why I'm here, and I'd like to find out."

Choi took a deep breath, particularly annoyed by Jeongguk's insolence, and simply opened the file in front of him, scattering a few photos on the table. Jeongguk glanced down and saw photos of Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok. He didn't react, even though he was even more confused.

"Do you recognise these men?"

"No. Who are they?"

The two policemen exchanged glances, before the younger one spoke up.

"They're members of the Kim clan, one of the most powerful gangs in Seoul. That's their leader, Kim Taehyung."

Jeongguk frowned, taking one last look at the photo of his lover (who was so handsome he couldn't take his eyes off him. Like, really, how did Taehyung manage to look so sexy all the time?), then looked up at the policemen, trying as hard as he could to look lost.

"What have they got to do with me? I'm just an office worker..."

Choi straightened up, trying to look imposing in front of the little singer, giving him a cold, frightening look. Well, it might have been if Jeongguk hadn't known Minho and Taehyung before him.

"One of our informants told us that you've been seeing Kim Taehyung for several weeks now. That you were very close, if you know what I mean..."

Jeongguk felt the judgement in his voice. The judgement of having sex with someone of the same gender, more than dating a criminal. Jeongguk felt humiliated and, above all, furious. He wanted to scream, to throw the bloody table that separated them and jump to his throat. He wanted to show him that he was superior, that he refused to be humiliated by a homophobic cop.

Because he was Jeon Jeongguk, Kim Taehyung's queen.

"Wow, you've got a great imagination..." He replied instead, preferring to keep the insolence that seemed to irritate Choi so much.

"So you deny the facts?" Park asked, preferring not to give vent to his superior's anger.

Jeongguk nodded, smiling slightly.

"I don't know where you got this information from, but it's nonsense. You know, my company has just given me an important project that could earn me a promotion, so I wouldn't be surprised if one of my colleagues wanted to take me down to get the project."

Park wanted to reply, but Jeongguk didn't give him the chance, leaning forward and stopping just a few centimetres from Choi's face, whispering a few words to him.

"Did you really check where the information came from, or did you just rush like mindless sheep? Hm, Inspector?"

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