- Fifty-first -

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When Taehyung returned a few hours later, he slipped into bed as discreetly as possible, gently lifting the duvet and pulling Jeongguk against him. The singer didn't hesitate for a moment to snuggle against him, regaining the warmth he'd missed so much during those few hours. Taehyung let out a long sigh of relief, happy to feel Jeongguk's little body against his again, a sensation he was far too used to. It had become a need.

The gangster closed his eyes, ready to go back to sleep, but he felt the singer jiggle in his arms, and a quick kiss was placed on his lips.

"Where were you?" Jeongguk asked, still half asleep.

"Did I wake you up? Sorry, dove..." sighed Taehyung.

The gangster demanded another kiss, his lips forming a pout, and Jeongguk was quick to give him what he wanted.

"You didn't answer my question..." continued the singer, sensing that Taehyung was trying to avoid the subject.

And he wasn't wrong. It wasn't that Taehyung was against telling him, after all he had every right to know everything about Kang Minho, it was just that... He knew Jeongguk would worry. Worse, panic. Taehyung wanted to avoid that. He just wanted Jeongguk to be happy. That he could live his life without having to constantly think about his horrible past.

"I'll tell you about it later, sweetheart. Right now, you should go back to sleep..."

Jeongguk was too tired to protest, since it must have been around three in the morning, so he nodded and let his head fall back onto the gangster's bare chest. The singer put his arms around his waist, as if he were hugging a big teddy bear. Although in his eyes, Taehyung often looked like a bear, whom he wanted to snuggle up to and cuddle. He'd probably never admit it to the gangster, it would ruin his image as an impassive mobster...

The room fell back into the silence that both men had grown to love. Because this silence was not murderous. They didn't feel alone, isolated from the world. It was their own silence, in which they found the comfort they had always sought.


Taehyung was woken by a weight on his stomach, which prevented him from moving, and soon small kisses were pressed on his face, first on his left cheek, then on his right, forehead and nose. Taehyung pretended to be asleep at first, enjoying these tender touches, but when the mysterious attacker moved down his jaw, soon sucking on the skin of his neck, the gangster couldn't contain a little moan which gave him away immediately.

"I knew you were awake..." Jeongguk murmured between kisses.

Taehyung finally deigned to open his eyes, to discover his dove sitting on his stomach, dressed in one of his shirts, too large for him. The collar fell slightly over his shoulder, making him look incredibly sexy.

"Do you really want to turn me on first thing in the morning, baby? You know, even when you're just waking up, I can make your screams echo through the whole flat..."

This comment earned him a punch on the chest, a pout forming on Jeongguk's lips. And God, Taehyung was dying to kiss that pout.

"Stop it, I just wanted to please you!"

Taehyung arched an eyebrow.

"Oh, and to what do I owe this honour?"

In response, Jeongguk leaned over and kissed the gangster for a long time. He pulled away just before the kiss deepened, with a mischievous little smile on his lips.

"Happy birthday, Tae."

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise before he nodded softly. Yes, today was 30 December. His birthday. He'd completely forgotten. He'd got so used to ignoring this day that he'd ended up forgetting it. And then, between Jeongguk's arrest and this thing with Kang, he'd really had other problems to deal with. His birthday really wasn't that important.

"Oh, that's right... Thank you, darling..."

A pout formed on his lips at Taehyung's reaction. And the gangster found him adorable. He had none of the mysterious aura he'd had when they first met. Now Jeongguk looked more like a little bunny, with his emotions clearly visible on his face.

"You could react better!" the singer grumbled, folding his arms across his chest.

"And how? Hm?" Taehyung teased him in return, taking a little too much pleasure in annoying him.

But how could he not? Jeongguk was super sexy when he got angry.

"You're so mean!" exclaimed the singer. "I just wanted to please you..."

Jeongguk was about to get up and leave Taehyung's warmth, but the gangster immediately stopped him, putting his arms around his waist and giving him a sincere smile.

"I was just kidding, baby. I'm happy, really. I'm glad you thought of me like that. Nobody ever wishes me happy birthday. So thank you."

This seemed to satisfy Jeongguk, whose smile returned immediately. He leaned over and placed a brief kiss on Taehyung's lips, before straightening up and, this time, leaving the bed without the gangster stopping him.

"I'm going to prepare breakfast, so while I'm doing that, you'd better wake up!"

"And then what?" Taehyung asked.

Because from Jeongguk's cheerful tone, he had a feeling it wasn't going to end there. He had a feeling that the singer had other things planned. And his guess was confirmed when he saw Jeongguk's smile widen even more.

"After that, we'll get ready, because I've got a surprise for you!"

The singer then left the room, rushing to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Taehyung, for his part, fell back into bed, his gaze fixed on the white ceiling. His birthday. When was the last time he'd celebrated? It wasn't that he was traumatised or anything, it was just that... it had never been a special day for him. A day like any other. Or maybe a bit worse than the others. You always say you don't expect anything, that it's just a birthday, and yet deep down you always expect something. And as the day draws to an end, and it has been as painfully banal as all the others, the disappointment sets in. That's what a birthday was for Taehyung. So for Jeongguk to put so much enthusiasm into making the day special was heart-warming. He finally felt important to someone.

He finally got up, put on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt which he grabbed haphazardly from his drawers, and left the room with a heavy step, making his way slowly towards the kitchen. There he found Jeongguk, concentrating on frying two eggs and some bacon in a frying pan. He looked so concentrated in his task that Taehyung almost laughed.

He finally approached him and put his arms around his waist, resting his head on his shoulder. They stayed like that for a long time, unable to leave each other's warmth.


Sorry, short chapter. I wasn't really in the mood to write, but wanted to update something for you...❤

Hope you liked it!💕

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