- Twenty-fifth -

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Jungkook sank a little further into the sofa, which was as soft and plush as he liked it. He let the warmth and serenity of the room wash over him, closing his eyes for a few moments to savour them better. He only opened them again when someone turned on the TV, drawing his attention to the news channel. Then he heard footsteps behind him, and soon the sofa sank down, with Taehyung taking his place next to him. He had two steaming mugs in his hands, and handed one to Jungkook, who gladly accepted it. He raised it to his lips, swallowing a long gulp of the hot drink, before pushing the cup aside with a satisfied smile. After that, a comfortable silence settled between the two men, broken only by the continuous sound of the television.

"Thanks for letting me sleep here." Jungkook finally sighed. "After last night's events, I didn't really feel like sleeping alone."

"No problem." Hummed Taehyung.

The gangster continued drinking his coffee, but frowned when he heard scratching noises. He turned to Jungkook and saw that the singer was rubbing his cup nervously, as if he wanted to say something but didn't dare.

"Is there a problem, dove?"

A pout formed on the singer's lips, his eyes riveted on his drink.

"It's... It's always hard for me, after every murder." he confessed. "I always feel terrible, and the loneliness hits me hard every time. So, really, thank you. Sleeping with someone afterwards is... really reassuring."

Taehyung narrowed his eyes. Last night he'd learnt a lot more than he'd expected. He'd decided to keep everything he'd seen to himself, but now he thought he had a better idea of the young singer. Even if the shadow surrounding Jungkook was now denser than ever. The singer was hiding a deep trauma, one that Taehyung surely couldn't imagine. And that was the link with all his murders. His victims weren't chosen randomly, they all had a link with this trauma. And for Jungkook, killing them was like freeing himself from it.

And there were still many unanswered questions.

"You don't need to thank me. I never do anything I don't want to. If I invited you here, it's because I wanted to. In fact, having you with me is good for me too."

He wasn't lying, especially not to himself. Taehyung could feel the change in him. It wasn't huge, it wouldn't change the way he saw the world or the way he behaved with others, except with Jungkook. He wanted to open up to Jungkook, he was starting to develop feelings and he didn't want to repress them. In his world, loving someone was far too precious to give up. But he didn't think Jungkook would reciprocate his feelings. The young man's mental state was far too complicated for that. He was obsessed with revenge, and would refuse any form of love.

Taehyung was prepared to accept this. As long as Jungkook stayed by his side, he could be content with this relationship.

Jungkook turned his attention back to the TV, which was broadcasting a news channel. And of course, they were talking about the body that had been discovered earlier that morning. A new wave of stress came over him, and Taehyung could feel it immediately.

"Did we really do the right thing leaving the body like that? And... what if someone saw something?" Jungkook panicked.

"You're safe, Jungkook." the gangster calmed him down. "Nobody saw anything, and even if they did, we're talking about the Kim clan. No-one would dare come after us. Not even the police. You're under my protection, so you've got nothing to worry about."

Jungkook nodded slowly, trying to convince himself of Taehyung's reassuring words.

"Let's change the subject." The thirty-year-old finally said. "One of my associates is organising a gala next Thursday, and naturally I'm invited. What do you say about coming with me?"

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