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Kang slammed his fist into his desk, knocking over the steaming cup of coffee beside him. His secretary gasped and instinctively took a few steps back, fearing more than anything the wrath of her boss.

"Is this a joke, Lee?!" he shouted at the woman, who looked down in shame.

"I-I'm sorry, sir, I wish it were..."

Minho took a deep breath, sinking back into his chair, and ran a hand through his hair to calm his frustration.

"It's a disaster..." he sighed.

He had just learned that one of his main shareholders, Oh Chaneol, had decided to withdraw his shares from the company. He was right, it was a real disaster. Losing 30% of his investment was much more than a small loss. It was huge, but what worried him most was what would happen next: what would his other shareholders think when they saw that Oh Chaneol had pulled out? Such an investor didn't take decisions lightly, so they would surely think that the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. And then they too would withdraw their investments.

Kang couldn't afford to lose Oh Chaneol. Without him, his company was finished.

"Have you looked at the share price?" he asked Mrs Lee, his secretary, who still hadn't dared to look up.

"Y-Yes... Um..."

"Then what?! Give me a straight answer, for fuck's sake!"

The woman swallowed, increasingly terrified by her boss's rage. She knew he lost his temper easily, and became violent when he did. She knew this because she had already been a victim. She would have liked to quit, but the job paid extremely well, and she knew that Kang would make her life hell if she left. He would take it as an affront, a betrayal, and she would be risking her life.

"It has already started to decrease, sir."

Minho slammed his fist down on the table again, screaming in anger.

"We can't lose Oh Chaneol. Did he give a reason for his withdrawal?"

Ms Lee shook her head.

"No, he just said he wasn't interested anymore. But I'll look into it, sir..."

"Good. In the meantime, I'll try to contact him. I've got to get him back to our side, any way I can."


When Taehyung opened his eyes, he noticed that he was alone in bed. His lips automatically formed a pout: he hated waking up without Jeongguk. The singer had really become indispensable to him, it was almost worrying. But what could he do? When he loved, he became obsessed. And even then, he kept himself very much in check, so as not to scare off his adorable little dove.

He heard water running and it didn't take him long to realise that Jeongguk was in the shower. It was early, after all the singer had to go to work. He would have liked to spend the day with him, but he knew that was purely capricious.

He finally got up, completely naked and still not fully awake, and with a slow step made his way to the bathroom. The door was open, Jeongguk had never got into the habit of closing it, so Taehyung didn't hesitate to enter, tiptoeing into the shower.

Jeongguk had his back to him, rubbing his hair as the hot water ran down his body. He was so sexy like that, Taehyung found it hard to hold back. The gangster crept discreetly up to him, Jeongguk's eyes closed so he couldn't see the shadow forming on the wall in front of him. It was only when he felt two powerful arms wrap around his waist that he finally noticed Taehyung's presence. He let him, not reacting as the gangster pressed his body against his.

"You're not even funny..." Taehyung muttered. "I wanted to surprise you, but you didn't even react..."

"I didn't know I was going out with a six-year-old." Jeongguk replied mockingly.

He felt the grip around his waist tighten, and Taehyung buried his face in the hollow of his neck. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the warmth of the water and each other's bodies. Jeongguk had only dreamt of these calm, soothing moments before he met Taehyung. He used to hate silence, it only reminded him of his loneliness. But now, the silence that the gangster brought with him was a source of great serenity.

Eventually, the singer turned round and put his hands around the gangster's waist, burying his face in his chest. Taehyung wasted no time in running his hand through his long black hair, the caresses seeming to relax the young man.

"Is something wrong, darling? You look stressed..." the gangster whispered in his ear, in a voice that he wanted to be soft and reassuring.

"Everything's fine, it's just... I can't stop thinking about Kang Minho."

Taehyung tensed when he heard the name, before taking a deep breath to calm himself.

"What are you worried about him for?"

"What if... he comes back? He's so much more powerful than me, I'd never be a match for him..."

Sensing the distress in his voice, Taehyung pulled away to take his face in his hands.

" Dove, listen to me. You have absolutely nothing to fear from him. I'll take care of him. I'll make him so weak he'll crawl at your feet and beg you to spare him."

Jeongguk's big doe eyes widened and sparkled at the gangster's words.


"Hm, that's a promise, darling."

Jeongguk smiled a little, before burying his face in Taehyung's chest, inhaling his scent contentedly.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Tae."


Lia was casting anxious glances at Jeongguk, whose gaze was riveted on his computer. The young woman had seemed distracted since his arrival, a good two hours earlier, and this hadn't escaped the young man's notice. He finally looked away from his computer and sighed, turning to his friend with a small smile.

"What's the matter, Lia? You've been staring at me non-stop for two hours."

The woman gasped and smiled shamefully, embarrassed to have been caught in the act.

"It's just that I'm worried... it's been several days, but you might not be completely healed, right?"

Jeongguk had to contain a laugh. He was really grateful to Lia for worrying about him, but it was a little laughable, for the simple reason that he was doing very well. With the incident with Kang at the gala, Jeongguk hadn't come to work on Friday. He had no valid excuse, so in order not to get fired, Taehyung had given him a false admission to hospital. Yes, it was dishonest, but he really needed his job!

"Everything's fine, Lia, really. I told you, it was just indigestion. It even gave me a chance to rest!"

Seeing that Jeongguk seemed sincere, she smiled a little and nodded. They quickly got back to work, but had to stop again when the office door opened violently, drawing everyone's attention.

At the entrance were two policemen in uniform, looking very serious. They scanned the room, and stopped at Jeongguk, widening their eyes slightly at the sight of him, and rushed towards him.

"Are you Jung Jungkook?" asked one of them.

"Um, y-yes..."

The two men smiled smugly, while Jeongguk felt fear creep over him, his heart beating so fast he was sure he'd end up vomiting.

"I-Is something wrong?" he asked in a small voice, dreading the answer more than anything.

"Mr Jung, you are under arrest. Please come with us without making a fuss."

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