- Fifty-third -

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Jeongguk was comfortably seated on the sofa, a blanket covering his lap and a glass of wine in his hand. He swirled the reddish liquid around absent-mindedly, a small smile on his lips. The sweet smell of beef and soy sauce made his mouth water. He turned round and saw Taehyung in the kitchen, cooking. He had his back to him, so Jeongguk had plenty of time to admire his athletic body. Taehyung was tall and broad-shouldered, which was what Jeongguk liked best in a man.

He finally stood up, tiptoeing into the kitchen. He gently placed his glass on the worktop, then approached Taehyung, wrapping his arms around his chest and snuggling up to him. Taehyung let him, a small smile forming on his lips as he continued to cook quietly. From time to time, he took one of Jeongguk's hands and brought it to his lips for a kiss. The gangster had turned on some background music, which echoed throughout the flat, creating a soothing, warm atmosphere.

Jeongguk closed his eyes, letting himself be lulled by the music and Taehyung's heartbeat. In the end, the gangster was right, the day hadn't ended too badly. He could still see the employee's face when they had turned to leave. The man had run after them, begging them to come back, telling them he'd find them the most sumptuous room and offering them a whole host of services that Jeongguk hadn't even known existed. The rich really did live in another world. But Taehyung was adamant. He didn't want to spend another second in this hotel. The gangster had given the man such a dark look that Jeongguk had even thought for a moment that he was going to kill him on the spot.

The silence was broken by Taehyung's phone ringing, and the gangster glanced at it quickly before ignoring it, returning to his cooking. Jeongguk took the opportunity to pull away, staring at the man curiously.

"Aren't you going to pick up?"

Taehyung shook his head.

"It's the hotel manager. He's been pestering me for half an hour. I haven't picked up once."

"Why are they being so persistent?"

Taehyung chuckled, then turned to Jeongguk and placed a brief kiss on his lips.

"Don't underestimate my influence, darling. If I want to, I can destroy them with a simple rumour. And they know it."

Jeongguk hummed in response, and retrieved his glass of wine to take a sip. Taehyung lowered the heat, letting his mixture cook slowly, and reached for his glass too.

"I'm still frustrated." Jeongguk admitted. "I had prepared everything, but they found a way to screw up my plans."

Taehyung couldn't contain his smile when he saw the pout that had formed on Jeongguk's lips. He couldn't help but think of their first meeting when he saw him like that. They had both changed so much. In such a short time. Jeongguk was nothing like the mysterious cabaret singer he'd been a few months ago. And so had Taehyung. He was aware of his own changes. He had softened.

"It's all right, dove. We'll go to an hotel another time. And we can even do better, like going somewhere else, to another city, or another country. Do something really romantic."

Jeongguk nodded with a smile, and Taehyung wasted no time in putting down his glass and giving him a hug. The singer instinctively snuggled up to him, wrapping his arms around his chest.

"Travelling to another country? It seems so surreal..." Jeongguk murmured.

"Does it?" asked the gangster, stroking his hair.

Jeongguk nodded again.

"I've always been poor, you know. When I was a kid, my sister's care bankrupted us, and when I grew up... I made a good living, I was able to put money aside, but nothing incredible... Going on holiday wasn't even an option."

He pulled his face away from Taehyung's chest, where he had been hiding until then, to look into the gangster's attentive eyes.

"I've never really had the chance to dream." he finished in a whisper. "Not even of a romantic relationship."

Taehyung continued his gentle caresses and leaned over to kiss him, which Jeongguk gladly accepted. When they parted, Taehyung gave him a tender smile.

"I hope things have changed. Because when you're with me, you can dream all you want."

Jeongguk giggled adorably, which brought out his bunny teeth. Taehyung couldn't resist kissing him again, then they parted so that the gangster could keep an eye on the food.

"Do you need help with anything?" Jeongguk asked, leaning over his shoulder to inhale the delicious scent.

Taehyung shook his head.

"No, it's almost ready. Why don't you go back and sit down, darling? I'll be there in a few minutes."


The two lovers were sitting comfortably on the sofa, snuggled up together, their empty plates piled up on one corner of the coffee table. They were watching a movie they had chosen an hour earlier, but Jeongguk's attention had long since left the screen to focus on the large bay window in the living room. In just a few hours it would be 31 December, and the end of the year would be marked by a white curtain. The snow was becoming increasingly rare, so it was all the more precious and sublime. Seeing it like this also reinforced the feeling of comfort and warmth in the flat.

"Don't you like the movie?" Taehyung asked him gently, drawing him out of his thoughts.

Jeongguk lifted his gaze from the bay window to the gangster, who was already looking at him.

"No, not really... I don't really feel like watching a movie, actually..."

Taehyung hummed, and grabbed the remote control to turn off the TV. The flat was again plunged into silence, lit only by a few candles that Jeongguk had lit to "create an intimate atmosphere".

"So what do you want to do, dove?"

Jeongguk thought for a moment, pressing himself a little closer to Taehyung in search of warmth, when an idea suddenly came to his mind. His eyes lit up, making the gangster even more curious.

"The saxophone! You promised to play me the saxophone one day!"

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise, before a small laugh escaped his lips.

"Of all the things I can offer you, you want to hear my dubious mastery of the saxophone?"


"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Jeongguk watched Taehyung get up and leave for the room next to the bedroom, which he had said was his study. He returned with an enormous case in his hands, which he carefully placed on the table. He opened it, revealing the magnificent instrument, which he took gently into his hands.

"It's been a while since I played, so it's going to take me a while to get used to it... I can't guarantee the quality..."

But Jeongguk didn't care. What he wanted was to see Taehyung play. So when the gangster blew into the instrument for the first time, at first plucking out a rather haphazard melody, Jeongguk smiled with satisfaction and watched him for a moment, before closing his eyes to better appreciate the gentle symphony.

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