- Eighteenth -

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When Jungkook woke up, it was getting dark outside. The sex had been so intense that he had immediately fallen into a deep sleep, lasting several hours. His lower body ached slightly, and he felt dirty with sweat and the smell of sex sticking to his skin. But at the moment, he didn't really feel like moving.

He was still on the sofa, on the second floor of the casino, but to his surprise, he wasn't alone. He was lying next to Taehyung, his head on his chest, the man's right arm wrapped around his waist to keep him close. The two men were completely naked, but they kept each other warm, and Taehyung had even taken out a small blanket which he quickly placed over their bodies before falling asleep, just in case.

To be honest, Jungkook was surprised. He didn't think Taehyung was like that, the kind of person who was... caring after sex. He was glad the man hadn't thrown him out, because he was too tired to deal with it, but he'd have thought Taehyung would have left him sleeping alone on that poor sofa, getting dressed and going back to his little life. He certainly wouldn't sleep next to him, even hugging him. It was rather pleasant, Jungkook had to admit. He'd never slept with anyone. He'd always woken up alone after sex, his partners leaving almost immediately after it. It had never really bothered him, he'd never known anything else. But now that he'd had a taste of this comfort, he didn't want to do without it. Taehyung was warm and pleasant, he smelt good and there was something reassuring about his dominance. Even if no feelings were involved, it was still an attention he appreciated.

The singer finally raised his head and saw that Taehyung was already awake, staring at the phone in his left hand. When he felt Jungkook move, he immediately turned his attention to the young man, who was looking at him curiously.

"I must have worn you out to get you to sleep for so long." Taehyung mocked with his usual smirk. "You'll have to work on your stamina, dove!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes in response, and even though he knew he should have stand up, he preferred to stay in his position, lying on top of Taehyung. It was just too nice.

"How long did I sleep?" he asked instead, his eyes still a little blurry from sleep.

"A good three hours."

"Oh. I told Yoongi I'd sing tonight. I've got to get up."

Taehyung arched an eyebrow at this, switching off his mobile and throwing it beside him.

"Are you even going to be able to stand up?"

"That mocking tone is certainly one of my least favourite things about you."

"As long as you like the rest, everything's fine."

Jungkook grumbled and forced himself to sit up, the cold of the room and the loss of Taehyung's warmth making him shiver. The gangster watched him with an amused expression, unable to take his eyes off the little singer. Even after sex, he was beautiful. When wasn't he?

"If you're going to the cabaret, I'll give you a ride. I don't want to miss your performance anyway."

Jungkook stopped himself from blushing at this little comment, and to distract himself started looking for his clothes. But when he found his shirt on the floor, missing most of its buttons, he let out a long sigh.

"You broke my shirt." he remarked, turning to Taehyung with a falsely annoyed expression.

"Oh yes, I forgot." Taehyung remembered, almost insolently. "Hang on, I'll get someone to bring you another one."

The singer watched him grab his mobile and quickly type out a message before discarding the device again.

"Anyway, all this aside," continued the gangster, "I'd like to talk to you about something else."

Jungkook arched an eyebrow, amused by the serious look on the gangster's face, who patted the seat next to him to invite him to lie down again, and wait for his clothes, which Jungkook did without too much protest. He lay back down in the same position he had just left, and Taehyung wasted no time in putting his arm around his waist again.

"And what's this about?"

"It's about our deal and... your little nocturnal adventures."

The remnants of sleep immediately left Jungkook, whose eyes darkened.

"What about it?"

"Do you already know who your next victim will be?" asked Taehyung.

The singer took a deep breath before reaching for his phone, under the gangster's curious gaze. Once he'd found it, he immediately returned to his arms, already missing his warmth. Taehyung greeted him without saying a word, and watched him unlock his phone, before going onto Instagram. The young man searched for a moment, before finally handing the object to the gangster, who took it to see what Jungkook wanted to show him.

"Jang Hajoon?" Read Taehyung. "Who's that?"

"Someone who, in my eyes, deserves to die."

"Want me to get him for you? It'll save you the trouble."

"You'd do that?"

Taehyung hummed. He'd already had his doubts, but now it was confirmed. Jungkook didn't just kill anyone for anything. There was a deeper reason behind it, something that had driven a seemingly honest boy, who could have lived in the light, to embrace his dark side and live dangerously, risking his life at every turn. Jungkook wasn't a professional, he didn't have anyone to protect him, to help him, at least before Taehyung appeared. What could have driven someone like Jungkook to take such risks?

"You're very quiet." remarked the singer. "I thought you'd be more enthusiastic than that."

"Why?" simply asked Taehyung.

Jungkook frowned and immediately straightened up to look into the gangster's eyes. He thought he'll see amusement, a little mockery, but there was none of that. Taehyung was deadly serious.


"Why do you kill, Jungkook? Your victims aren't chosen by chance, so why these men? And what drives you to do all this?"

"I suppose the answer "by love of killing" won't convince you?"

Taehyung shook his head, drawing another sigh from the singer, who looked away.

"It's a story I might tell you one day. But for now, it's too soon."

"Will you tell me about it when it's all over? Because there will be an end, right?"

Jungkook didn't answer immediately, his gaze suddenly empty. Taehyung saw that dark aura around him again, which had disappeared during their intimate moment.

"Yes, there will be an end. And I suppose when it does, I'll be able to tell you all about it."

He took a deep breath, before resting his gaze on Taehyung, who hadn't taken his eyes off him.

"Because anyway, once it's all over, I can finally die in peace."

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