- Nineteenth -

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The room fell silent again. After what Jungkook had just said, Taehyung didn't know what to say. Maybe it was better not to say anything. Maybe it was better for him to forget everything that had just been said, for this discussion to disappear from his memory. Perhaps it was a little too intimate, too personal for the relationship they had. A relationship that was already far too complex to begin with. It was more than sex, but less than friendship or love. It was an in-between that was difficult to define. So where did the line really lie?

Taehyung could have laughed about it. They were so different, but in a way that made them painfully similar. They clearly didn't kill for the same reasons, they should never have met. They clearly didn't come from the same world. Yet the end result was the same: they killed, and took an unhealthy pleasure in it.

The gangster couldn't help replaying these words in his head. "I can finally die in peace". When he'd finished, Jungkook would take his own life. What will he do after that? Would Taehyung be able to go back to his little life, the singer becoming nothing more than a sweet memory, an adventure that had ended as quickly as it had begun? But he was already beginning to get addicted to the drug that was Jung Jungkook.

It wasn't until Taehyung's mobile rang that the silence in the room was broken. The thirty-year-old immediately picked up when he saw the contact, Jimin.

"Hm? Ah, yes, come."

He hung up and turned to Jungkook, who was already looking at him curiously. The gangster grabbed the blanket and handed it to him.

"That was Jimin, he's got your clothes. He won't be long, so you'd better cover up."

"Oh, thanks... But what about you? You don't mind?"

"Don't worry, this idiot's probably the one who's seen me naked the most."

The singer grabbed the blanket and pulled it over his shoulders, preferring to ignore the comment. In fact, he was still amazed at Taehyung's kindness. Honestly, when he'd agreed to this deal he hadn't thought at all that their relationship would take this form. But he wasn't complaining, quite the opposite. The fact that Taehyung knew his secret, and that they could talk about it freely, without judgement, was pleasant. Reassuring. The only other person who could come close was Yoongi, but even though the thirty-year-old had guessed what Jungkook did at weekends, they had never talked about it openly. Jungkook was too ashamed for that.

Jimin arrived a good minute later, holding a paper bag. He didn't seem to have lost his usual enthusiasm, and a small smirk even formed on his lips when he saw the state of the two men (or rather their total nudity).

"Wow, did you really rip his clothes off, Tae?" mocked the blond boy as he joined them.

The gangster just rolled his eyes, not even bothering to get up or cover himself up a bit, just lying there on the sofa, completely naked. As for Jungkook, he simply grabbed the bag Jimin handed him and rummaged inside to find his new clothes. But the singer stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed the brand of the shirt and trousers that came with it (despite the fact that his were in perfect condition). He glanced first at Jimin, who shrugged, before turning to Taehyung, who was once again on his phone.

"Taehyung, what does that mean?" he asked, as confused as he was annoyed.

The gangster looked up from the phone and arched an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Gucci, seriously? Have you seen how much that costs?! You couldn't get me a basic white T-shirt?"

But to his surprise, Taehyung just shrugged indifferently.

"I don't see what difference it makes. You asked for a shirt, you got one. End of discussion."

The singer let out a long sigh, under Jimin's amused gaze. It had been a long time since he'd seen someone talk to his boss like that. It was a form of entertainment he couldn't get enough of. He hoped it would last, for his own amusement.

"If you spend that much money on each of your hookups, you're going to end up broke."

"So you can relax, because I don't. You're the only one."

Jungkook frowned.


"Get dressed, dove. You're going to be late."

Apparently, discussion was out of the question, so Jungkook grumbled and complied.

"There's no point wasting so much money on me..." he muttered, so low that for a moment he wondered if Taehyung had heard him.

"I'll be the judge of that."

Jungkook blushed and hurried to get dressed. He was really having trouble understanding Taehyung.


Taehyung sent Jimin away, leaving the two of them alone in the car, heading for the cabaret. A comfortable silence had settled between the two men, Jungkook watching the city go by through the window, and Taehyung with his eyes riveted on the road, driving with that nonchalant air that seemed to stick to him. He rhythmically tapped the steering wheel, taking in the melody of the music filling the car.

"Jazz?" remarked the singer. "I didn't really expect that from you."

Taehyung laughed a little at this remark.

"Oh? So what did you expect?"

The younger man sat back in his chair and thought for a moment, trying to give him the most honest answer possible.

"I don't know, rock or... classical music."

The gangster's eyes widened and he burst out laughing.

"You're serious? Like what, a degenerate who blasts his ears out while spitting on the world or a mentally ill person who kills people with axes with Mozart playing in his headphones?"

Jungkook couldn't stop the red that spread across his cheeks, the embarrassment obvious. All right, it was clearly too cliché to be true. But it wasn't as if he was used to dealing with mobsters. All he knew about them was what little Yoongi told him, and movies.

"But yes, I prefer jazz. I've always listened to it and played it, ever since I was little."

Jungkook turned to him, his eyes wide with surprise and innocent curiosity.

"You play?"

"Hm, a little saxophone. It's nothing incredible, but I'm okay. I play it to relax, to clear my head."

"Wow, that sounds really mature."

"Because I am."

"Hm, if you say so..."

The gangster shook his head, falsely offended and disappointed, but the little smile on his lips said otherwise.

"Could you... play for me one day?" Jungkook asked in a small, almost shy voice.

After all, it was something rather personal. He could understand Taehyung's preference for keeping this part of himself private. He didn't want to cross a line that would cloud their relationship.

"Of course. Any time, dove."

Jungkook hummed. And unconsciously, a small smile played on his lips.


I'm sick🤧 so I don't know if I will be able to update in the next few days... This chapter was my last in advance...

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