- Sixty-fourth -

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Jeongguk approached the briefcase that Taehyung had given to him a few minutes earlier, letting his gaze wander over its contents. Minho hadn't uttered a single word, taking advantage of this short respite to catch his breath. He had lost almost all his fingernails, and the pain in his fingers was unbearable. He'd never suffered like this before, so he was completely unable to bear it.

"Well, I suppose I'll have to change my plans." Jeongguk said disinterestedly. "I wish I had more time, I had so many things to try on you, since you were supposed to be my last victim."

He finally picked up a simple dagger, examining it for a moment, before turning to face an exhausted Minho. He was struggling to stay awake, but it was as if his body was preventing him from falling asleep, succumbing to the pain and losing consciousness so that it could leave, if only for a brief moment. Another effect of that mysterious drug that Taehyung had injected into him.

"Since we've got so little time left, I'd rather do something I know how to do." Jeongguk continued.

He stopped in front of Kang, amusing himself by testing the tip of the blade on one of his fingers. He finally turned his attention back to his prisoner, and bent down to gently grab his arm. He turned it round, and slid the knife across his white skin, letting the blade slide along his bluish veins.

"Do you want me to tell you a secret, Minho?" whispered the singer.

Their eyes met, but the CEO didn't reply. He just looked into those marble-black eyes, trying to find the slightest sympathy, the slightest pity that would give him a chance of being saved. But he couldn't see any humanity in them.

"Urban legend has it that when you try to commit suicide, you slash your skin horizontally, just like that..."

Jeongguk plunged the tip of the dagger into Minho's skin, blood immediately beading at the tip. Kang bit his lip, preventing a cry of pain from escaping his lips, and watched in horror as the knife drew a perfectly horizontal line across his wrist. Blood immediately poured from the wound, causing Jeongguk to smile psychotically.

"But in fact, that's a lie. That technique only exists to cause pain. No, the best technique is to cut vertically, following the vein. You're wondering how I know that?"

The singer's gaze left the wound for a moment and returned to Minho's terrified eyes.

"Because I tried to kill myself too. Because of you and all those bastards. I had it all planned out. Yoongi hyung was giving a lesson that morning, so I had several hours ahead. So I grabbed a razor blade and, just like what I'd read, I started to slash my arm just like I've just shown you. But it didn't work! Why? Because the blood drained too slowly! I fainted, yes, but Yoongi got home before I lost my life."

Jeongguk turned his attention back to Minho's arm and made another cut, taking all the time he needed to cut the flesh, making the torture last as long as possible.

"I was so disappointed when I woke up! It was so unfair! I didn't even have the right to die! I was so angry! I cursed you all, cursed you for putting me through such torment! Cursed you for forcing me to live with the burden of your own sins!"

No sooner had he lifted the blade from his new cut than he plunged it back in to make a new one. He did this again and again, until his arm was completely covered. Minho was unable to hold back his tears, which cascaded down his cheeks.

"It hurt... It hurt, it hurt, it hurt..." he mumbled, crying like a child complaining.

"And what about me?! You think it didn't hurt?!" Jeongguk snapped. "You think I didn't suffer for what you did to me?! You deserve to suffer for everything you've done to me!"

The pain Minho was going through didn't seem to be enough for him, so he dug the knife into the existing wounds, causing him to scream in pain. He reopened each wound again and again, never feeling satisfied. As for Minho, he had forgotten his own identity. He was nothing but pain. He didn't even know why he was going through all this. All he knew was that he was suffering like he'd never suffered before.


The singer stopped dead in his tracks. He straightened slowly, without turning round. He didn't need to, to know who it was. There was only one person who could still call him that, with gentleness and a touch of sadness.

"I knew you'd come in the end. Jeongguk sighed. I was hoping you'd come. I wanted to see you one last time."

Seokjin stared at the young man longingly, trying to ignore the blood that covered the ground around him.

"You wanted to see me again? What for, Jungkook? Oh yes, I'd almost forgotten. You were never called Jungkook. I didn't know anything about you, even your own name."

Jeongguk didn't answer, just half-turned and gave Jin a sad look. But the detective wouldn't give in so easily. The situation was far too serious for that.

"I even wonder if our friendship was real for you, or if it was just a masquerade..."

"It was real!" Jeongguk suddenly exclaimed. "It was real... The years I spent with you at university were the first happy years of my life."

Seokjin's heart sank at this admission. And he would never have dared doubt it, seeing Jeongguk's absolutely devastated face. He didn't know everything, there was still a lot he didn't know about Jeon Jeongguk, but knowing that they were still important to each other was enough.

"Jungkook, you've got to stop this. Let him go."

Jeongguk glared at him for a moment before turning his attention back to Minho.

"Why would I do that? I've waited ten years for this moment..."

Jin sighed.

"You can't go on like this. I'm ready to turn a blind eye to everything that's happened. Kang Minho has suffered, and we have an official confession. He'll be arrested and judged for what he did to you."

Seokjin had expected this, but Jeongguk only laughed at his suggestion. The detective himself knew he was being ridiculous. But he couldn't give up.

"And what are you going to do if I refuse? Take him by force? Kill me?"

"If I have no choice."

Jeongguk turned his attention back to the detective, to his old friend. He wished things had worked out differently between them. That Jin had never become a policeman, and that he had never had to deal with this case. That way, their friendship could have remained intact.

Because no matter what happened today, it would be the end of their friendship for good. And they both knew it.


Hi! Sorry, a short chapter, but I decided to separate it into two parts. Also, the next chapter will be the last before the epilogue, so stay tuned!

Hope you liked this chapter and see you soon!💕

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