- Forty-ninth -

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"This way, sir."

Kang nodded, and followed the waiter, who led him through a good part of the restaurant, eventually taking him to a separate room, where a sumptuous table for two was set up. A man was already seated, his gaze riveted on the menu in his hands. He was in his forties and exuded wealth. When he heard the door of the room open, he turned towards the entrance, his gaze landing on Minho, who was thanking the waiter. When the two of them were alone, Minho gave a polite smile, which he intended to be pleasant. The man barely returned the smile, just enough not to appear rude.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet me, Mr Oh." Minho said in a honeyed voice, perhaps a little too honeyed.

He hastened to take his place at the table, opposite Oh Chaneol.

"It was the least I could do." replied the forty-year-old. "After all, you're entitled to an explanation. It's only fair."

However, the conversation did not continue immediately. A strange silence settled between the two men, Minho reaching for the menu on his right, while Chaneol took another sip from his glass of wine. A sort of electricity could be felt in the air as the two discreetly glared at each other. After several long minutes, when Kang had finally decided what he was going to eat, he put the menu back exactly where he'd found it, then turned his attention back to the person opposite him.

"So I'd like to understand, Mr Oh. The company was doing well, your actions were bringing you back three times what you had invested. And you were promised to multiply that amount next year. You had absolutely no reason to pull out. And yet you did."

Minho tried to hide his irritation. But he was sincere: he needed to understand. His business was promising, Oh Chaneol had absolutely no reason to pull out. He had no right to do that. Because of that old rat's insolence, his father's business was going to collapse. He couldn't let that happen. This business was his life. If it collapsed, then Minho would collapse with it.

More than explanations, he had to get Oh Chaneol back.

"You mustn't take it personally, Kang." replied Chaneol, putting down his glass. "If it had been up to me, I would have left my actions in your company. It has enormous potential, and it really saddens me to see it in such a state today."

Minho didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Why throw such nonsense at him, for such a result? Is he sorry? Does it sadden him to see the company in such a state? So why did he pull out? It was because of him that the company was on the verge of bankruptcy today. It was because of him that Minho didn't know how to save it. He was desperate.

"Please, spare me this, and get straight to the point. Why did you pull out? Answer this simple question." Minho asked, this time a little more coldly.

The two men stared at each other for a few seconds, before Chaneol sighed and rubbed his forehead nervously.

"You could say that the money I put into those actions wasn't really mine." he replied simply, in a whisper.

Minho frowned. Chaneol had barely whispered it, but the silence of the room allowed him to hear the answer clearly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... Ah, it's embarrassing... But I suppose, given the situation, you've got a right to know..."

Now Minho was even more curious. To see Oh Chaneol in such a state, when the man was known for his pride, was quite the view. He wanted to know more.

"A few years ago, I had big money problems. So much so that no bank would give me a loan. I was lost, desperate, so much so that I thought about taking my own life. But that's when I met someone who was ready to give me a loan, a mafioso. At that time in my life, he was the only person prepared to take that risk... But he called me a few days ago to ask me to pay back the entire sum."

"Which corresponded to your shares in the company?"

Chaneol gave a nervous, almost sarcastic laugh.

"Are you joking? The money he lent me is worth ten times that amount! And his personal fortune, a hundred times more!"

Minho's eyes widened in surprise. Was there really anyone with such a fortune in Seoul? Okay, so Oh Chaneol might not have been the richest man in the capital (although he must have been in the top 10), but this mysterious person... Who could possess such wealth?!

"I told him I couldn't pay back the loan in full straight away." Chaneol continued. "I offered to do it in several payments, explaining that my shares would earn me quite a lot of money over the next few years. But he wouldn't listen. That's when he offered me a deal."

Minho tensed in his chair and unconsciously ran his tongue over his lips, moistening them to hide his stress. He didn't like the turn this discussion was taking.

"What deal?"

"He told me he knew I had shares in your company, Kang. He said that if I pulled out, he'd erase my debt completely."

"Erase your debt? Just by taking over your shares? He asked you to give him the money from your shares?"

Minho was stunned. And he was even more stunned when Chaneol shook his head.

"No, you've misunderstood me. He didn't ask for money. He just wanted me to pull out my shares from your company. He left me all my money."

Minho froze completely, finally understanding what Chaneol was insinuating. This person wasn't after money. This person simply wanted to destroy him. By bankrupting his company, he knew that this was the end for Minho. He would be too indebted to survive.

"Give me his name."

"I don't know, he might turn against me..."

"Mr Oh, give me his name, please. I just want to know his name."

The forty-year-old sighed. All he wanted was to be left alone.

"As you wish. It's Kim Taehyung."


Jeongguk was peacefully asleep, pressed up against Taehyung. He had buried his face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the gangster's masculine scent, which made him feel safe and comfortable. As for Taehyung, he was still awake, content to caress the naked back of his dove, watching him dreamily.

He loved these little moments, they were so domestic. You had to understand, Taehyung had never known anything like it. Falling asleep next to someone, hugging them affectionately, knowing that the next day that person would still be there, and would stay. Knowing that that person would stay by your side, that they wouldn't leave you. It was... reassuring.

He was suddenly snapped out of his reverie when his phone vibrated. It was lying on his bedside table and he grabbed it quickly to pick up the phone, not wanting to wake his dove. It was Jimin, so he suspected that at this hour it was important.

"What?" he asked coldly, in a suave, half-asleep voice.

"It's Kang Minho." Jimin replied, in a tone that was both professional and slightly annoyed. "He's at the casino. And he's refusing to leave until he talks to you."


Hello! I know some of you want to see a jealous Jeongguk, I will think about it but can't promise. Because I don't think that fits their relationship, like... they really trust each other, so there's no need to be jealous...
But I will try to find something for a chapter.
Hope you continue to like this story... I lost a lot of confidence about this story, I love it but I fear I'm the only one...
See you soon💕

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