- Forty-sixth -

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Taehyung looked with disdain at the three people kneeling before him. Their hands were all tied behind their backs and they were all blindfolded. No one had spoken a single word for a good fifteen minutes, the three prisoners merely trembling in fear, and Taehyung staring at them silently.

Unsurprisingly, opposite him were the two policemen who had arrested and interrogated Jeongguk, the gangster dying to beat them to death for the humiliation they had inflicted on his dove. How dare they treat him like that? All because Jeongguk was a mere office worker? Did they think they could use their power on him? Taehyung was going to show those rats who had the power here. Jeongguk was nothing ordinary, he was his queen, and the mere fact that he had a relationship with the gangster should have made the police think twice before mistreating him. Now they would bitterly regret it.

Taehyung then turned to the third person. Honestly, he never thought he'd find her here. Because she was completely insignificant. He had enemies, he'd already imagined a million reasons why someone might have betrayed him, but now it all seemed so obvious. And the truth was appallingly ridiculous.

Celia. They'd only slept together what? Three times? Maybe four? Taehyung couldn't even remember. So who did she think she was to try and get rid of Jeongguk? What kind of power did she think she had to challenge Kim Taehyung? She didn't have any, but it was too late to understand that.

Taehyung finally took his eyes off the three hostages and turned to Hoseok, who was standing up straight in the corner of the room. His boss pointed at the three people, and Hoseok nodded, moving slowly towards the prisoners, removing their blindfolds one by one. It took them a good minute to get used to the only light from the ceiling, which burned their eyes after so much time in the dark.

When they recognised Taehyung, the two policemen choked with fear. Their eyes widened in horror and they couldn't utter a single word, the terror paralysing them completely. If Kim Taehyung had captured them, then they wouldn't make it out alive. They were finished, with any luck they'd be dead by the end of the day.


The gangster turned to Celia, who was looking at him with panicked, tear-filled eyes. She didn't understand. She didn't understand what she was doing here, why Taehyung was treating her so badly now, when they had shared such intimate moments. She hadn't deserved this, and she hoped that deep down, he had a little tenderness left for her so that he would let her go.

The man said nothing in the face of her puppy eyes, simply glaring down at her. And that look was so intimidating, so terrifying, she never thought that one day Taehyung could scare her so much.

"T-Taehyung, what does that mean...?" she asked in a small voice.

Her hopes were dashed when she saw not the slightest hint of tenderness in the gangster's eyes, but simply anger and disgust.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" he asked simply, indifference in his voice.

Celia frowned, showing her confusion. But her false innocence wouldn't work with Taehyung. You'd have to have compassion for that, and he had none.

"Seriously, you're so pathetic, um..."

"Celia." Hoseok reminded him behind him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry at his boss's meanness.

"Oh yes, Célia, that's it."

The young woman was hurt, that was obvious, and she wasn't hiding it. Hoseok felt a little sorry for her. Not really for the situation she was in, but rather for her own stupidity and naivety. She had convinced herself of a version of Taehyung that had never existed, and she had come to provoke him directly, when it was the most dangerous thing to do.

"W-What?" she stammered, her tears threatening to fall.

Taehyung exchanged a glance with Hoseok, who shrugged, before letting out a long sigh.

"Why did you do it, eh? Why did you contact the police and ask them to arrest Jungkook?"

Celia's eyes widened in surprise. She'd thought she'd been careful: she hadn't given her name, she'd even worn a wig so no one would recognise her. So how had Taehyung known it was her?

"I-I... I..."

"Don't answer me, I'm not interested." Taehyung cut her off, in an icy tone. "It's just hopeless..."

Under Celia's wounded gaze, the gangster straightened up, until then comfortably seated on the sofa in the room, and walked over to the young woman, kneeling in front of her.

"Right now, I'm really wondering what's been going through your little head. I never wanted you, I've always pushed you away, long before Jungkook came into my life. So what made you think I'd be interested in you if you got rid of him?"

Celia felt her heart break in her chest, and this time tears rolled down her cheeks. If she thought Taehyung had made a fool of her at the casino, it was nothing compared to what she was feeling right now. He was right, she felt so humiliated. So stupid. She had convinced herself and remained blind to the evidence. Taehyung had never liked her.

Jeongguk had never stolen him from her, since Taehyung had never belonged to her in the first place.

"I'm sorry..." Celia cried.

She understood. She would apologise as much as she needed to, all she wanted was to live. Because provoking Kim Taehyung meant exposing herself to death.

"And I don't care. I'm totally indifferent to your very existence. And it's not up to me to forgive you or not. So you can save your tears."

He then turned to the two policemen, whose faces were now livid. They hadn't said a word, and didn't intend to. Ever since they had laid eyes on the gangster, they had seen their lives flash before their eyes.

"As for you, I'll deal with you later."

He then returned to his seat, watched anxiously by the three prisoners. Célia tried to cry silently, so as not to arouse the gangster's anger any further, but she was so terrified that it was useless. They didn't know what the gangster was waiting for, but he was making their ordeal interminable.

At the same moment, the door burst open, drawing the attention of the five people in the room. Jimin walked quickly through the doorway, followed by Jeongguk, who looked briefly for Taehyung before pouncing on him when he caught sight of him. The three hostages looked at him with surprise, shock and confusion, while Taehyung greeted him with a big smile, immediately closing his arms around his waist.

"Tae, where have you been? You left without even giving me a kiss this morning..."

Taehyung saw a pout form on Jeongguk's lips, and he didn't hesitate for a moment to kiss it, the innocent kiss quickly turning into something heated and passionate, their tongues entwining lovingly.

It was only when they parted that Jeongguk finally noticed the three prisoners, and after identifying each of them, turned to Taehyung with an innocent little smile on his lips.

"So, it's time to play, right?"

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