- Forty-fifth -

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Taehyung was amazed. There was no other word to describe the state he was in at the moment. Jeongguk was there, right in front of him, only a few metres away. He was there in all his grandeur, in all his beauty, perched on a stage too small for his immense talent. And despite the crowd, the singer's gaze was riveted on one person. No matter where he was, he would always find him.

Taehyung bit his lip, containing a smile. He'd suspected it when he'd bought it, but now he was certain: this dress suited him divinely. It hugged his slim waist perfectly, running down his slightly wider hips, moulding everything. It was just gorgeous.

He stood there, while the room was plunged into darkness, a spotlight flooding him with light. All eyes were on him, the sweetest of doves, the most enchanting of sirens, whispering the sweet words of his song in his angelic voice. You could sense a certain shyness in him, a fear, a fragility that made him even more beautiful, even more special. Taehyung wanted to run on stage and take him in his arms. To keep him all to himself. Jeongguk was too precious to share.

The show finally came to an end, the curtains closing on a smiling, relieved Jeongguk. Relieved that everything had gone well. Relieved that everyone was applauding him as before. Because he was him. Because despite his outfit, he was Jeongguk. The best singer at Polar Night.


The gangster left his trance, even though Jeongguk had already disappeared, and turned to Hoseok, who was sitting next to him. The young man had his phone in his hands, lighting up his face, until the lights in the room came back on, signalling to the audience to leave the cabaret.

"Hm? What's up?"

"Jimin has just sent me a message, he's found the traitor. He wants your instructions."

Taehyung turned back to the stage, looking thoughtful. Not tonight, he wanted to spend some time alone with his dove. He didn't want to draw too much attention to himself either, so he still had to act fairly quickly. Whether it was for the police officers or the traitor. If this person had betrayed him once, without him even knowing the reason, they could do it again. Especially if their aim was to send Jeongguk to prison, which had consequently failed.

"Let him catch them all and take them to HQ. The three targets. I'll deal with them later."

Hoseok nodded, and hurried to pass on the orders to Jimin. He then put his phone away and was the first to get up, followed by Taehyung.

"Right, I'll go and get the car." said Hoseok.

"Take your time, Jeongguk still has to change."

He nodded and left the room, his boss knowing full well that he wasn't going to be shy about hitting on Yoongi, especially while Jimin was away. The two of them would bicker about it later, which would be good entertainment for Taehyung.

The gangster finally left the auditorium too, making his way slowly towards the dressing rooms. He hoped they would be empty, and to his great satisfaction, they were. Jeongguk was sitting at one of the dressing tables, carefully removing his make-up.

"Did you like it?" the singer asked without turning round, meeting his lover's gaze in the mirror.

Taehyung gave him a charming smile.

"You were magnificent, dove."

The gangster watched with pride as the young man's cheeks tingled.

"I love the dress... You should choose them for me now..." Jeongguk murmured. "You're much better at it than I am..."

Taehyung approached slowly, not making the slightest noise, under the curious gaze of the singer. He finally stopped just behind him and instinctively put his hands on his waist, stroking the fabric with his fingertips.

"I simply took what I liked... and it's up to you to wear these outfits, not me. It's better that you choose them..."

"But I want to please you..." muttered Jeongguk.

Taehyung's eyes widened slightly at first, a little surprised by this honesty, before a tender smile spread across his lips. He leaned over and placed a long kiss on the singer's bare neck, his white skin reddening slightly at the gentle impact.

Jeongguk let himself lean into Taehyung's embrace, as the man continued to place chaste kisses on his delicate skin. The singer closed his eyes and let himself be lulled by the smacking of his lips against his skin, so much so that he ended up yawning, the tiredness of the day catching up with him.

"Are you tired?" asked the gangster softly, proving that when it came to his dove, nothing escaped his notice.


Taehyung stepped back a little, prompting Jeongguk to open his eyes again, having lost his main source of warmth.

"Shall we spend the evening in bed tonight?" Taehyung suggested, smirking.

"Tae, I just told you I'm tired, you pervert-"

"Under the duvet, watching a movie, with a pizza we'll order on the way. Don't you want that, darling?"

Seeing that he'd just been tricked, a pout automatically formed on Jeongguk's lips, which Taehyung was dying to kiss, and he crossed his arms over his chest, pretending to sulk. Taehyung burst out laughing in response, and he didn't give the little singer time to realise what was happening to him, grabbing him by the waist and suddenly lifting him into his arms.

"I'll take that as a yes!" He exclaimed, while Jeongguk was already wrapping his arms around his neck, burying his face in his chest.



Comfortably tucked in his bed, Taehyung was staring at the television, which was playing an old action movie whose name he'd already forgotten. The pizza box had been nonchalantly thrown on the floor, in the middle of their clothes, which they'd got rid of as soon as they'd set foot in the room.

He had put his arm around Jeongguk's shoulders, pulling him against him. The singer rested his chin on his bare chest, revelling in the heat radiated by the gangster. His eyes were struggling to stay focused as the young man fought to stay awake. A building suddenly exploded in the movie, startling him, and he hurried to press himself closer to Taehyung, this time burying his whole face in the man's chest.

Jeongguk felt so good. This happiness, this serenity. He'd dreamt of it all his life. Absolutely all his life. From an early age, all he had known was the stress of hospitals and the constant presence of death. All he'd ever wanted was a peaceful place to come home to in the evening. A place he could call home, where he could relax and be himself. Where he could leave his problems at the door. But after all those years of searching, he had finally figured it out.

Home wasn't a house. It was a person.

And that person was called Taehyung.


I'm really tired these days. Like really. And I have a lot of work, so I can't promise for the everyday updates anymore. It will calm down soon, but in the meantime, I think it will be one update the two or three days.

Thank you, and see you soon!💕

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