- Sixtieth -

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It was a dark outside, a moonless night. And yet Jeongguk could see everything clearly. The street was deserted, with no lighting whatsoever, but the young man could make out the building perfectly. He could still remember it as if it were yesterday. It was an old school that the local church had taken over when he was younger. Now it was deserted again. But despite the weight of the years, nothing had changed. Everything was still as he remembered it.

Jeongguk felt nauseous. Seeing this place again after all these years brought back memories he would have preferred to forget. That day his life had been turned upside down. Despite his chaotic childhood, he could have managed. It would have been complicated, with the trauma of his sister and mother still fresh in his mind, but he could have done something about it. But that, that was another story. It was a trauma from which he would never recover. At least, not while the last of his tormentors was still enjoying his life.

As he stared wide-eyed at the old building, terror evident on his face, Jeongguk felt a hand come to rest on his thigh, tenderly caressing it. He immediately turned his head and came face to face with Taehyung, who was watching him worriedly. The two men were sitting in the gangster's car, only a few metres from the old school. For Taehyung, letting the singer go there alone was out of the question.


"I'm fine." sighed the young man in reply.

The singer smiled reassuringly and quickly put his hand on Taehyung's, caressing it too.

"You don't have to lie to me, dove. I like it when you're honest with me, even when it's something I'd rather not hear."

Jeongguk bit his lip. When he thought about it, he was incredibly lucky to have Taehyung in his life. The man had supported him from the moment he laid eyes on him, and had never left him since. Jeongguk had used him, discarded him, and yet Taehyung was still there, loyally serving him.

"Thank you, Taehyung. Honestly, I probably couldn't have done it without you." Jeongguk admitted in a small voice. "Minho... was out of my reach. I could never have knocked him off his pedestal alone."

Taehyung smiled back. He'd told him how he'd cornered Kang, the situation he'd got his company into. In fact, he hadn't dared tell Jeongguk when he'd taken action. He knew that Jeongguk wanted to look strong, and that he might not want the gangster's help. So Taehyung had decided to act without his consent. It was just that he wanted so much to see Minho suffer... He didn't have Jeongguk's patience. He wasn't prepared to wait another ten years to see his dove get his revenge.

"I just want this to be over. I just want to... see you smile." murmured the gangster, a little embarrassed to open his heart like that.

Jeongguk shared his feelings. He, too, wanted to put this whole thing behind him. He wanted to die, to kill the Jeongguk of the past, so that he could live again. Start again. Without the demons of his past constantly haunting him.

"I'm scared, Taehyung."

Taehyung gently took Jeongguk's hand, intertwining their fingers, while with the other he tenderly caressed his cheek.

"I know, my dove. I'm sorry, I can't make this fear go away."

Jeongguk nodded. He knew that.

"But you won't leave me, will you? I can't do it without you..."

"Of course. I'll stand by your side, whatever happens."

The two smiled one last time, feeling more connected than ever. And so, naturally, the two leaned in to connect their lips in a gentle kiss. It was their way of telling each other that everything would be all right. To wish each other good luck. They kissed for a long time, their lips sliding against each other, and only stopped when Taehyung's mobile phone vibrated. They parted, and the gangster hastened to read the message he had just received.

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