- Twenty-sixth -

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Jungkook sent his e-mail, before moving away from his desk and stretching like a feline, under Lia's amused gaze.

"Ah, I've finally finished..." he muttered.

"Are you on your lunch break?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go and buy a coffee. Do you want me to get you something?"

"No, it's fine, take the opportunity to clear your head a bit."

The young man nodded as he stood up, hurrying to leave his company's building. He was feeling more and more suffocated here, less and less at home. It was a good thing Lia was here, because she was the only ray of sunshine here. Working in an office really wasn't for him. And if his life hadn't been so miserable, he would surely have chosen another profession. Singing, music. Something that would have thrilled him, that would have made him feel unique and useful, loved. Alive.

Feeling the fresh air against his skin did him good. He was getting paler and paler, his health beginning to deteriorate. Even before he met Taehyung, he was losing his appetite. The further his revenge progressed, the worse he felt. At the time, he felt fine, making them suffer gave him a certain relief. But the psychological damage was getting worse with each kill.

He finally walked through the door of the little café on the corner, the little bell above his head tinkling to signal his arrival. This place was only a few minutes' walk from his company, so many employees used to come here for their break. It was a pretty quiet place during the day, and they made the best drinks around.

He approached the counter with a tired gait, his shirt sticking to his skin, accentuating his look of discomfort.

"Hello, a coffee and a slice of flan, please."

The waitress nodded, and left to prepare his order while he paid. But as the waitress returned with his drink, he felt a hand rest on his shoulder, making him jump.


The singer immediately turned around, freeing himself from the hand at the same time, and came face to face with a man in his thirties, with brown hair falling over his face, full lips and classy clothes. The man looked at Jungkook with surprise, as if he was seeing a ghost. He finally smiled, adding to the singer's confusion.

"Wow, it's really you!" exclaimed the stranger happily. "It's been ages!"

Jungkook frowned. Did they know each other? He'd called him by his name, so they must have known each other, but he couldn't remember...

"Do we know each other?" he asked shyly.

"Oh come on Jungkookie, don't tell me you've forgotten your favourite hyung!"

Jungkook quickly searched in his memory, before widening his eyes in surprise.

"Jin hyung?"

"Ah, you scared me! I thought you'd forgotten me!"

Jungkook picked up his order, moving aside to let Jin access the counter, without taking his eyes off him.

"Wow hyung, I didn't expect to find you here, it's weird..." He admitted, a little embarrassed not to have recognised him.

"Well, so did I! Have you got some time? It'd be great if we could have a chat, it's been far too long since we've seen each other!"

"Yes, I've got an hour before I have to get back to work."

"That'd be great. Go and get yourself a table, I'll join you as soon as I've got my order."

Jungkook nodded, and moved to a table a few metres away.

Wow, Jin hyung. It brought back memories. It dated back to his business studies. He hadn't met many people there, probably because those years were psychologically the worst of his life, but Seokjin had been one of those rare good encounters. He was his eldest, and they had met on his first day, to help to find his class. Afterwards, they had a few courses together, which helped them to get closer. They didn't spend much time together, only two years, but throughout that time, Jin had acted like a big brother and a friend. It was thanks to him that he had regained a little faith in humanity.

Jungkook didn't wait long before the man joined him, sitting down opposite him with a big smile.

"So, what's up, Jungkookie?" Seokjin asked cheerfully, taking a sip of his smoothie.

"Oh, not much, you know: after graduating from college, I worked around a bit before getting a job at a clothing company not far from here. But what about you? Last I heard, you'd given up business to go to a police academy!"

Jin sank back in his chair, raising his eyes comically to the sky.

"It went rather well. I passed the exam without problem and went on to work for the police for a while. But after a case went wrong, I decided to resign. Now I'm a private detective, and it's a lot more fun!"

"Oh, private detective... So what exactly do you do? Because I must admit I'm a bit of a cliché when it comes to detectives spying on married couples looking for a lover or a mistress..."

Jin laughed as Jungkook spoke.

"Oh, I do that from time to time, when I really have no other case. Otherwise, I prefer the criminal ones. At the moment, I'm working on the famous serial killer who's on TV.

Jungkook froze, his eyes wide. He suddenly felt rather uncomfortable. He knew there was nothing they could do to him, that he was safe, but it was still worrying. Especially as he knew Seokjin well: the man was extremely intelligent and perceptive.

"Really?" asked the singer, trying to remain natural. "Doesn't that frighten you? I mean, imagine if the killer found you and came after you! That would terrify me..."

"Hm, it's true that it's a risk, but it's so exciting! It's investigations like this that make me realise how much I love my job!"

Jungkook smiled amusedly at Jin's sparkling gaze.

"You haven't changed a bit, Hyung. You're as energetic and enthusiastic as ever. It's good to see..."

"You're still shy too. Well, I hope you're not getting too annoyed because of that..."

"Don't worry, I've learned to stand up for myself."

"Anyway, I'm really pleased to see you, Jungkookie! You've got to give me your number so we can see each other again!"

Jungkook looked at his hyung for a moment, before smiling again.

"Hm, that would be great."


Strolling down the long corridor, Jungkook finally stopped in front of the door to his flat. Or rather, Taehyung's. He rummaged in his pocket for a moment and pulled out a small key, which he pushed into the lock. He turned it three times and the door unlocked, and he hurried inside and closed the door behind him. He didn't really know why he had come here, but it must have been that there was something reassuring and warm about this flat. He felt less alone here than in his own, where his nightmares often caught up with him.

Here's the spare key to my place. You can come whenever you like, day or night, even if I'm not here. Make yourself at home, dove.

These were Taehyung's words. At first, he'd agreed, thinking he'd never use it, and yet here he was, that very evening. The flat was empty, the gangster was probably working, but he felt strangely at home. Safe.

He made his way to the bedroom where he had slept the night before and, after a quick inspection, began to undress before going to bed. He was exhausted, and only dreamed of a good night's sleep. His gaze stopped for a moment on Taehyung's wardrobe. After a moment's thought, he opened it and rummaged inside. He pulled out a black T-shirt, which he hurried to put on. He was immediately overwhelmed by the gangster's scent, and unconsciously relaxed.

He finally made his way to the bed, letting himself fall heavily onto it, and hurried to hide under the duvet. And already his eyelids were getting heavier, tiredness taking over. And as he breathed in Taehyung's soothing perfume with delight, he finally fell asleep, and so didn't feel a hand lovingly stroking his hair just an hour later.

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