- Thirty-third -

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The six boys got dressed, big smiles on their faces. They were laughing and talking amongst themselves, like perfectly normal teenagers. When they'd finished, they headed for the toilet door, which they unlocked, and went out in turn, without looking back. Only Minho stopped and turned round, looking at the boy lying on the floor.

"Just in case, Jeongguk. You know my family is really rich and influential. So if I were you, I'd keep what happened today to myself. It'll save you a lot of trouble."

He didn't wait for an answer, leaving the bathroom and closing the door behind him. The room finally fell silent again, after an hour of shouting, crying, laughing and moaning. But Jeongguk couldn't keep the silence. The tears began to roll down his cheeks again and he suddenly burst into sobs.

He could feel his heart breaking little by little, into a thousand little pieces that he would never be able to put together again. He was completely destroyed, ruined. They had shattered all that was left of the poor boy in him, the sad, scared child. They'd broken him in ways they couldn't even imagine.

His body was naked, bruised, covered of hickeys, indelible marks left without modesty. He was cold in this empty room, on these icy tiles. He was shivering, but he didn't know if it was from cold, fear, pain or sadness. Or maybe all at once.

He was in so much pain, it was as if a million emotions were clashing inside him, so much so that he felt painfully empty. He just wanted to lock all those emotions in a box and never open it again.

He tried to sit up, tears still streaming down his cheeks, and tried to hold back his sobs when he felt a viscous liquid running down his thighs. His anus hurt horribly, so much so that he limped as he walked, and he picked up his clothes, which had been scattered and torn around him with difficulty. He was on the verge of cracking, of breaking completely. He tried to hold on, to contain himself, but every time he felt the cold tiles against his feet, every time he grabbed a piece of clothing that had been forcibly removed, every time he felt another drop of that disgusting liquid sliding over his skin, the urge to cry, to scream, became more and more uncontrollable.

He could still feel their hands on him, the way they had spread his legs, holding them firmly so that he couldn't escape, despite the fact that he had fought like a lion. They had entered him savagely, one by one, emptying themselves into him filthily, grunting like wild beasts.

They had raped him, shamelessly. These disgusting beings, who thought they were all-powerful and invincible, had raped him while laughing, and would remember it as a good memory.

Jeongguk wanted to die.


He didn't know how he'd found the strength to go home. He hadn't even bothered to collect his things, he'd just got dressed as best he could and dragged himself home. When he walked through the door, he was greeted by the usual silence. Nothing new, it had been the same for years.

But today, the silence was murdering. He would have liked to be consoled, to be able to throw himself into his mother's arms, crying his eyes out. She would have held him in a warm embrace, whispering that everything would be all right, that she was there and wouldn't abandon him.

He approached her, still sitting on the same sofa, looking at the same photo album. And despite the state he was in, despite the sound of his sobs that he wasn't hiding, she didn't notice him. Locked up in her own little world.

Jeongguk couldn't take it anymore.

He gently took hold of the old woman's chin and turned her head towards him.

"Mom, look at me..." he sighed, so low it was only a whisper, but in the silence of the living room, it sounded like a cry of despair. It was.

Chae, forced to look at him, stared blankly at the boy. Jeongguk wasn't even sure she saw Hyuna in him. He wasn't even sure that, despite the fact that she spent her days looking at that photo album, she really remembered her daughter's face.

He had no idea what was going on in that woman's head.

"Mom, are you in pain?"

No answer, she just stared at him with a certain incomprehension, it was the first time in months that she had looked at anything other than photos. Her mind was no longer used to the real world.

Jeongguk wasn't waiting for an answer. It was a hope, not an expectation. Because he knew he wouldn't get one.

"I'm in pain, Mom. I've been suffering for eighteen years. But the last eight years have been particularly horrible."

He began to stroke her cheek tenderly, tears freshly running down his cheeks. He tried to smile, but it was terribly sad.

"They raped me, Mom. They destroyed me completely, and you're not there. You're gone. You haven't been there for eight years."

He was so exhausted. Tired of feeling all these emotions that were slowly killing him. He just wanted to get rid of it all, of this life, to feel nothing. He wanted to die, just disappear. Nothing had any meaning anymore, nothing was of any interest.

"You know, if I've fought until now, if I've been in and out of hospital, if I've tried every treatment in the world, it's because I was scared." He explained, without taking his eyes off his mother. "Afraid to live in this world alone. I was too scared to live without you. I'd already lost Hyuna, my sister, my other half, I didn't want to lose anyone else."

His mother didn't react, he knew she didn't understand what he was saying, but he needed to. He needed to get these feelings out, these thoughts that had been eating him for years.

"But Mom, I've been alone for eight years. You're already gone. And I know that you're suffering. You're suffering because of me. Because I forced you to stay, when you wanted to join her. I'm sorry, Mom. I was selfish. And in the end, I made us both suffer.

He let go of her cheek, his arm falling lifelessly to his side.

"It's time I granted your wish, Mom. I can't leave yet, because they've destroyed everything you and I worked so hard to build. It wasn't perfect, but we did what we could. I have to erase them, for Hyuna. For us. And when I'm done, we can all be together again."

He looked away, unable to bear his mother's empty eyes any longer. He was shaking, he was scared, but he had no choice. He had to do it. So he grabbed one of the cushions from the sofa and gently placed it on Chae's face.

"I love you, Mom...

He pressed down as tears welled up in his eyes. He burst into sobs as his mother choked without struggling, as if waiting for this moment.

This day, he not just killed his mother, but also his sister... and himself.


I so wanted to cry while writing this chapter😭😭 Hope you won't be mad at Jeongguk for his mother...

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