- Thirty-seventh -

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Taehyung dropped onto his sofa, a glass of whisky in his hand. He could vaguely hear the hustle and bustle of the casino on the floor below, telling him that there would be big profits again tonight. He didn't really need a lot of money to live on, but he'd probably need it for a while. If he wanted to help Jeongguk, and shower him with gifts, he'd have no choice.

He wanted to give Jeongguk a new life. More than revenge, he wanted to show him what it was like to be above the rest. It was childish, Taehyung was well aware. But his little dove had been treated like shit all his life. He wanted that to change. And he was prepared to put all his fortune at his service.

As he closed his eyes, smiling as he remembered his baby the day before, trying on his pretty outfits, he heard heels clicking against the tiled floor. And he knew exactly who they belonged to. He waited for the person to stop next to him.

"Hm?" Taehyung asked, without opening his eyes, not wanting to take his eyes off his dove's face.

"I've got the information you asked for."

Taehyung finally opened his eyes again, looking at Jimin, who was watching him with a smirk on his face.

"Already?" The gangster couldn't help but remark, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

But surely he shouldn't have. Park Jimin's ego was immeasurable and he never missed an opportunity to inflate it. The blond boy ran a hand through his hair, puffing out his chest and looking proud and arrogant.

"What to say, I'm the best..." He replied. "It's not easy every day, but I appreciate your eternal gratitude..."

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"My gratitude I don't know, but my foot up your ass for sure, if you don't give me what I've asked for now."

"Tsk, threats, always threats..." Jimin muttered.

In the end, he handed him a file, which Taehyung grabbed. He opened it and began to read its contents, under the curious gaze of his right-hand man.

"I still don't understand why you're so interested in Kang Minho." said the little blond. "Okay, you're both immensely rich, but you don't even work in the same sectors. He's no rival."

Taehyung didn't take his eyes off the file, but let out a long sigh. Deep down, he understood Jimin's curiosity. He was right, his behaviour was suspicious. Why go after Kang now, when he'd spent his whole life ignoring him? It didn't make sense, unless you knew the truth.

"I don't intend to tell you everything, because it doesn't concern me directly," began the gangster, "but Kang had hurt Jeongguk. And he's still a threat to him. So I have to take him down, before it's too late."

Jimin nodded, ignoring the fact that Taehyung had called him Jeongguk, not Jungkook. It couldn't have been a coincidence, a mistake, but Jimin knew where his limits lay. He suspected that there was an even bigger secret behind this story, but it wasn't his job to find out.

Suddenly, Taehyung frowned, stopping his reading, before a sly smile played across his lips.

"Did you find anything?" Jimin asked, bending down a little to access the contents of the file.

"Oh Chaneol has shares in his company. 30%, that's not insignificant."

Jimin looked puzzled at first, before slowly widening his eyes, a smile forming on his face too. Oh Chaneol. An old friend of Taehyung's. Who owed him a lot of money.

"I think I'll make a little call."


Jeongguk watched the city go by through the car window. He couldn't concentrate at all, he was far too stressed. He was bored at the flat, so he called Taehyung, who offered to meet him at the casino. He'd even sent someone to take him. The problem lay elsewhere.

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