- Thirty-fifth -

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Thank you for your comments on the previous chapter, it made me happy🥰❤


When Jeongguk got out of the car, he saw that they were back in the shopping mall where they had bought their outfits for the gala. The place was really chic, but every shop was way beyond the singer's means, which made him feel a bit uncomfortable. Because if Taehyung had brought him here, knowing full well what he could afford, that meant he intended to pay for him.

He didn't have much time to think about it, as the gangster put a hand behind his back and led him towards the entrance to the gallery. It was guarded by two guards, who bowed slightly when they saw Taehyung, but the man simply passed them without looking at them, with his usual indifference coupled with arrogance.

No sooner had they passed through the entrance than Jeongguk noticed something: the gallery was empty. Completely empty. Yes, this place was never very crowded, reserved for Seoul's high society, but he was still expecting a few people to make their purchases.

"Tae, why isn't anyone here? Are you sure the shops are open? Maybe we should come back later..." Jeongguk began to ramble.

But Taehyung stopped him immediately, putting a finger on his lips to prevent him from speaking any further.

"Everything's fine, dove, it's perfectly normal. If there's nobody here, it's because I've reserved the gallery just for you and me."

This information did not reassure the singer in the least. He merely widened his eyes, his mouth slightly ajar in obvious shock.

"Y-You're joking? You haven't booked the whole gallery, have you?"

Taehyung just shrugged indifferently, as Jeongguk looked on in disbelief.

"It must have cost you a fortune..."

"And? You know that when I want to do something, I just do it."

Jeongguk was about to retort, but stopped himself when Taehyung came a little closer to him, so close that he could feel his hot breath on his lips, making him shiver. He let the gangster gently grab his hand and caress it.

"I wanted to spend some time with you. Just the two of us, with no one to disturb us..."

The singer felt his cheeks flush red and nodded shyly. He was clearly not used to a romantic Taehyung, but he had to admit that he liked this side of him. Deprived of love all his life, he secretly loved the attention Taehyung gave him. At least, he thought he was being discreet, because the gangster could see the effect he was having on him, and had clearly understood that Jeongguk wanted his attention on him and him alone.

Jeongguk could also be possessive and obsessive, in his own way.

"Well, shall we go?" Taehyung suggested, a small smile on his lips.

Jeongguk nodded, and his cheeks flushed even more as the gangster kept his hand in his, quickly entwining their fingers. They passed a few shops, Taehyung paying close attention to the singer to see if he was interested in any in particular. Eventually they stopped in front of a large stall selling women's clothes. Jeongguk frowned, but didn't have time to say anything as Taehyung dragged him in without giving him a chance to protest.

No sooner had they entered the shop than a woman came to meet them, bowing respectfully.

"Welcome, can I help you with anything?" she asked in a soft, professional voice.

Taehyung shook his head and unconsciously pulled Jeongguk against him, putting his arm around his waist.

"No, we want to see the shop by ourselves."

"All right, don't hesitate to call me if you need anything."

Both men nodded, one clearly more hesitant than the other, and Jeongguk waited until the woman had moved away before grabbing Taehyung's arm, squeezing it so hard that the gangster immediately turned to him, looking confused. But certainly not as confused as the singer.

"Tae, what are we doing here?"

Taehyung arched an eyebrow, amused by his dove's behaviour.

"We're here to buy you some clothes. That's what you do in a clothes shop, isn't it? Unless you've got something else in mind... It's bold of you but I won't complain..." the gangster smirked.

His mockery earned him a slap on the shoulder, as well as a glare from Jeongguk.

"Stop it, I'm serious!"

"And so am I."

Taehyung took his hand again and led him towards the stalls, where luxury clothes were displayed, each more beautiful than the others. Jeongguk would have been lying if he'd said he wasn't impressed. All those clothes attracted him enormously, they were sublime. But...

"Tae, I... I can't wear this..."

"And why not?"

A sad melancholy passed over the singer's face, and Taehyung felt his heart clench at the sight of him. Why did he look like he was suffering so much?

"You know why... This society, it doesn't accept people like me... I'd be mocked, humiliated, or worse... And if they saw you with me..."

"I don't care about me." Taehyung cut him off, in a more authoritarian tone. "Jeongguk, the question isn't whether other people will like these clothes, but whether you'll like them?"

"I... yes, I like them, but..."

"That's all there is to know." Taehyung continued. "I wouldn't have brought you here if I had a problem with that. On the contrary, I'm dying to see you in clothes that you like, that make you feel like you. You're already gorgeous, dove, but when you've regained your self-confidence, when you've accepted who you are, then you'll be even more so."

Jeongguk felt tears welling up in his eyes, and he knew he hadn't been able to contain them when Taehyung reached up to gently wipe his cheek, like his most precious possession.

"Won't you be ashamed of me?" he asked in a small voice that showed all his insecurity.


"But you could get into trouble because of me."

"I couldn't care less."

"I could be in trouble too. I already have." he reminded him, their hearts clenching as they thought back to that tragic event.

Taehyung quickly took his face in his hands as more tears beaded on his cheeks. He wiped them away one by one, with a tender look and a small smile. Nothing that Jeongguk had ever known about the gangster before.

"Darling, you can wear whatever you want, and never be afraid of anything or anyone. I can fight."

Jeongguk's eyes widened, before he gently closed them again, savouring this moment that belonged to them alone. In the end, he was glad that Taehyung had reserved the gallery. It was an intimacy he wouldn't have wanted to share with anyone.

Taehyung was cunning, so cunning. He insinuated himself into his poor scarred heart, healing his every wound with a tenderness he would never have suspected. Jeongguk could feel that he was falling in love, he was falling hard, and it was a love from which he would never recover.

Maybe Yoongi was right. Maybe he shouldn't have got so close to Taehyung, because he'd be dragging him into a deep abyss from which he'd never be able to escape.

But he'd never believed that darkness could be so warm.


Sorry, I know I'm not really regular these days, but I'm a little tired, so I can't write everyday💕

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