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Everyone was in a panic as I glance around as Sangah was trying to contact the police as she bit her nails

"The police..." Sangah began to say as she trembled with fear

"The police aren't picking up! What do we do?" Sangah panicked as she looked at me with a worried expression

"Sangah, stay clam." I advised, trying to comfort her.

"Sangah, you've played the game the development team is currently working on, right? You know, the one where a handful of people survive the apocalypse." I said as Sangah looked at me with confusion but also a scared look at her surroundings, I explained it in a much simpler term to her as she turned her head to the blue window next to her.

"A game...?" Sangah muttered as she seemed even more distressed

"It's simple. Every game has rules. We just need to follow them." I informed her as she was bewildered at my words

"Rules? What are you-" Sangah began to ask as I interrupted her as I was also panicked, but I had to deal with it for now.

"We just have to figure out what those rules are." I said as I begin to feel a cold sweat, I took a look at the subway as I observed everyone. "A Dokkaebi with antennae." "A litter of dead bodies in the subway cabin." "Trembling office workers covered in blood." "An old lady praying fervently in her seat." I took note of all that as I still couldn't believe this was really happening...but I couldn't deny it any longer. No...I have no choice but to admit it now. I don't know why, but it was clear that...TWSA, which I've been reading for over ten years...was coming to life right before my eyes.


"Okay, everyone! Calm down." A person said loudly as I glanced over at them

"Take a deep breath, and stop what you're doing." The man ordered as I whispered to Gilyoung "To clear this mission, we'll have to kill these grasshoppers. You can do it, right?" I asked Gilyoung who nodded as we took one grasshopper each and crushed them as the man who as speaking earlier was still talking. A notification popped up saying I completed the first main scenario as I sighed in relief as I wiped my hands off.

"Have you all calmed down? May I have your attention for a moment?" The man said calmly as I recognized him, could he be...no...I began to think as the man kept talking

" As you all know, in a national emergency such as this one, even a small commotion can lead to heavy casualties. So, from now on, I will take care of this situation." The man said confidently as everyone looked at him as he introduced himself

"I'm an army lieutenant currently serving in unit 6502." The man said as he showed his id badge which read public official, Hyeonseong Lee. Ministry of defense. Everyone began to converse with each other, curious about what he had to say.

"I just received a message from my unit." Hyeonseong mentioned as people began to panic at the message on the phone as they tried to get a simple soldier to contact the blue house and the president which made me chuckle.

"I'm sorry but I'm just a soldier, so I don't have clearance to contact the blue house directly." Hyeonseong informed as I was amazed by his ability to stay calm in this situation, I was honestly surprised as I only knew Hyeonseong by name because...he was one of the supporting characters in TWSA. I began to think more as I looked over at Dokja who was checking his phone as I recalled when Hyeonseong first appeared in TWSA which was after the first scenario...but that was from the main character's point of view then...I really was experiencing TWSA firsthand from my own view.