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"Even though this is the castellan's order...are you still going to intervene?" The guard asked me, I returned a glare, but stayed silent as I acted calmly.

(LT)-...I'll have to let this go for now...

Letting go of the guard's wrist, I looked over at the Guemho survivor.

"You'll be fine, I promise to save you." I smiled at her, she nodded, quietly following the guard as the little girl started crying.

(LT)-...I suppose I should...


(HWJ)-Is he really going to let it end like this?!

Anger filling me, I could only watch as innocent people were being taken away, that injustice was once again happening before my eyes.

(HWJ)-Just like in Guemho...this...this is not...Paradise.

"Le-" I began to call out to Leon before someone interrupted me, "Young lady, don't even try to stop them." An old man said, I looked at him to listen to what he had to say as he continued speaking to me, "It's the law here in Paradise." The old man informed me, I felt sick knowing that fact.

"...Where are they going?" I asked hesitantly, not sure if I wanted to know the answer to my question as it was obviously somewhere...

"Well...they're probably off to Paradise's dungeon." The old man answered me, my eyes widening as I muttered, "The...dungeon...?"

"Yes, it's a place that prohibits access to anyone except guards who are allowed to enter it." The old man spoke with a sadden yet calm look on his face, his tone lacking of emotions or empathy as if this was a natural thing that happens every now and then.

"No matter whether someone did something wrong or not...there has never been a single person that has returned from there." The old man informed, I turned to looked back as a desperate plea from the daughter of the mother cried out, "Mom...!"

A sorrow inflicted in me, a conflict stirring, it felt familiar as I was reminded of my little brother.


Walking towards the child, Hyseongseong followed me as we tried comforting her.


Hugging me, I felt...despair and hopelessness, the trust I had given this place...this wasn't the Paradise I had imagined.


"Hyung." Yoosung said my name, I turned towards her with a calm gaze as she seemed determined along with the others.

"Well, I think we know what to do now." Jihye grinned in her usual way, but seeming more calm as we gathered up, I could only wonder what Dokja and Sooyoung were doing...

"...Yeah, so..." Huiwon looked at me, hoping for me to say something, but then shook her head.

"We'll solve this ourselves, like we always do." Huiwon smiled cheerfully, being optimistic about the situation despite it all.


"I bet Ahjussi is out there protecting us while believing in us to do our tasks." Biyoo said, making everyone's expressions brighten up, it seems...I wouldn't need to guide them...

"Then, we don't need Hyung's help then! We can't depend on them forever." Gilyoung added, I felt a small smile come across my lips as we spurred into action.