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We walked inside with Seongguk and Minseob guiding us as I noticed there hadn't been a flag planted here just yet.

"Nobody must have taken over this place yet." Dokja said, glancing around.

"It was a pact made between the prophets. It could be dangerous to gather at a station controlled by someone." Seongguk explained as we walked up to a small group of people

"Hey, 1089th!" The man in a gray yet slight purplish lighted jacket called out as Minseob smiled

"Hey there, 763th!" Minseob called out to the man, so he was the 763th renouncer...

"How have you been? You're looking good." Minseob smiled cheerfully as the 763th renouncer responded with "Good, my ass. It's been hell because of the tyrant king." The 763th mentioned as they shook hands

"That's why I told you not to go towards Dobong-gu. You should have listened..." Minseob sighed

"Anyway...c-could he be...?" The 763th whispered to Minseob as the 763th was looking at Dokja who currently looked like Joonghyuk

"Is he...?" The 763th whispered with Minseob nodding as the 763th renouncer gasped

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Joonghyuk Yoo!" The 763th renouncer suddenly bowed in a respectful manner as everyone around us looked at us

"So, what will you do, 'Joonghyuk Yoo'?" I said calmly, observing the situation as Dokja glared at me. People suddenly started rushing towards Dokja and Hyeonseong

"It was impressive how you fought against Asmodeus in your second regression." Someone said, I quickly turned around as I accessed his combat ability with my skill.

"It's too bad that it was only told to us as a flashback in the revelation..." The man said as he had a pretty face and an innocent look on his face, but those type of people were the most dangerous.

"I've always wanted to hear about that from you personally." The man said with a smile as he greeted us "Nice to meet you." He continued, "I am the 1168th." The 1168th renouncer introduced himself. He must've read over 50 episodes then...


"But, if you don't mind me asking...are you currently in your third regression?" The 1168th renouncer asked me

"That's right." I responded as they all looked disappointed

"Oh, I see..." The 1168th renouncer tried not to sigh

-He doesn"t need to be so sad.

-Joonghyuk Yoo was pretty good in his earlier regressions too

I glanced over at Hyeonseong who was getting all the women to fawn over him as some people were asking Huiwon if she was Jihye. It was chaotic, was this really the night of the prophets? It's more like a farmer's market!

"Where is the weapon?" I demanded as they looked surprised

"What...?" The 763th renouncer said

"The secret weapon you told me about. Let me see that first." I ordered as they turned to an object that was being concealed by a brownish, gray sheet.

"Oh, that..." The 763th renouncer said as they whisked the sheet off to reveal...!

-A rock?

-No, wait...

-The shooting star we saw at the cinema earlier...

"Is that a meteorite?" I asked as Leon looked a bit panicked