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(HYEONSEONG LEE->HSL)-Was...Jeanne her name?

"Stop daydreaming and focus." She ordered with a glare, she was even more strict than Joonghyuk, I wish Leon was here...

(HSL)-Where's Dokja and the others...?


"Keep moving." Callen ordered us, it was only the main squad intact right now.

(ZACHARY FEINOR->ZFN)-Jeanne...I swear if Leon doesn't...

I felt mentally mad, it was just so frustrating, that bastard really...

"Guard." Callen spoke as we all stood still, waiting for a sound.

(ZFN)-If I see Leon...I'll give him a f**king punch to his face if not a kick to his ****s.


"Agh! F**k! Let me go!" I yelled, slashing my weapon downwards, but it broke.

(LJH)-Ah...shit...I knew it was getting rough after I damaged it so much...

The gift from Leon was now gone, if I was going to die like this...


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed loudly, feeling my bones crack, they weren't broken yet.

(LJH)-This f**ker is smiling...!

"I'-" I tried to shout, realizing my vocals were empty on air.

"Grr..." The demon growled, seeming to smirk at me as its long tongue stretched out as its mouth opened.



A flash of lighting lit up the room, splattering the demon apart.

(LJH)-I feel like...this has happened before...


(LJH)-...Kim Dokja...?


(LJH)-I can't hear him clearly...

"Lee Jihye!" His voice radiated, his face coming into view as I...

(LJH)-...Did he...always look like that...?



I kept thinking of his name, hoping he would show up, he wasn't dead!

"Huff...huff..." I tried catching my breath as it only sped up, my heart racing while my flight or fight response had kicked in a while ago.

Biyoo was having a hard time fending off the demons, I couldn't help...I was...




A series of explosions and big impacts happened behind me with rainbow colored lights, it was when I knew, that had to be...

"Yoosung!" A familiar voice shouted my name, tears filled my eyes as I almost dropped Gilyoung, running down the corridor was...

"HYUNG!" I called out, Hyung's appearance had changed a lot.

But the first thing I focused on was...his eyes, they got even prettier and it was very calming to look at them, I felt myself relax as I closed my eyes.

(SYS)-I'm so glad...Hyung...


(YJH)-Why of all people, has he trusted that fool to keep his stuff?