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Standing before the castellan, I merely chuckled as I my sword was already drew, ready to set aflame these...

"...Are you really...saying that to me...after..." I began to say, my eyes glaring at the humanoid demons that were turned into terrifying bloody flesh corpses that were still alive yet...

"...A paradise...I should've..." I laughed, perhaps I was already insane...but...

"Wow, what a boring situation." Relion sighed, immediately charging for the castellan, but...


His metal brawl was blocked, by none other than a familiar face, a weapon and person that I trusted, Leon.

"Leon! What are you-!" I began to say out of disbelief before he-


A sorrowful silence that came from me, the expression hence quickly distorted into one of anger, I had never seen Leon show so much hatred and emotion before.

"THIS FUCKING KILLER MURDERED MY SISTER!" Leon's voice was so loud and filled with rage that my head was going numb as the sounds bounced off inside my ears repeatedly like an echo in a rift of a valley, tears were dripping out of my eyes as I couldn't process anything correctly in this short period of time unfolding before me.

But I could only tell one thing with the most obvious appearance, the immense power that was descending upon us, it was the pressure that Leon was exuding.



Out of instinct, I dodged the ray of light that suddenly burst forth, I was about to be killed if I hadn't moved out of the way...and meeting my end right then and there.

Even the castellan was surprised, in the same state of shock as me as Leon had just blown off Relion's arm.


A finger torn off in a gruesome way, slowly ripping it off as the bone broke as the flesh tore off with it.


Eyeballs plucked out with the meaty interior being pulled along, stretching far like melted cheese to which did not appetize me.


Jaw being torn straight off from the head, Leon slowly showed me a horrifying scene of how to brutally murder a human, the rest of the things he did to...Relion...were inhumane.

Quiet, silent, that was all that enveloped and had developed in such an atmosphere.

If anyone had survival instincts...the sheer warning you would get from standing before the immense hatred of this one person would be telling you to not move, or else..you would die on the spot.

"I'll kill you as well." Leon spoke angrily, glaring at the castellan who grew afraid, "W-Wait, don't you want to hear-"

"ZIP IT." Leon growled intensely as he already sliced off the castellan's legs, and then-


A thundering ear breaking noise erupted as a large deep void was created.