{Happy Birthday To Me...}

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"Oh Leo!" My dad expressed his joy, holding me in his arms as I giggled happily.

He had a slim build, glasses, black hair, brown eyes.

My father used to be a soldier, now...he was a librarian.

He was a war hero, supposedly.

"Daddy!" I cheered, he sat me down at my seat as my older sister came by with a bright smile as she pressed her face against mine.

I was six this year.

"Happy birthday Leon!" Zin grinned widely with an overjoyed expression, mom would come in with her hand baked cake as her glimmering blue eyes would reflect all of us in a loving warmth.

"You get the first slice...!"

[You Have Experienced The Status Nightmare Due To Exhaustion!]

"Haa...!" Breathing heavily as I lunged upward from the bed, Uriel still watching over me as she had took a few things from my sub space, she was reading...




Skidding across the floor as I snatched the fanfic away, I was embarrassed as hell, hopefully she doesn't read through...

"Artoria...?" Uriel had a smug glint in her eyes as she smiled angelically, oh fucking good damn it...

"You, saw, nothing." I hurriedly stashed it away in a flustered manner, Uriel would chuckle with amusement and joy as she also looked at me with...a sad look.


"It's fine." I sighed, it wasn't like anything bad would happen if she looked through my...

(LT)-...Too curious, constellations.

Even without that...

[One Missed Message!]


Right, I had been conversing with the other constellations but...

(LT)-It's been a long time...

Demon King Of Salvation and...???


"[?][?][?]" I spoke, confused, Uriel would tilt her head as she seemed intrigued.

"Why are you talking about [?][?][?]" She would ask, but the name was blurred, even though I knew who they were...!

"...It's nothing..." I checked my notifications in the inbox, seeing...

"...Hah!" I looked at the invitation, in a...week's time...huh?


"Kim Dokja..." Yoo Joonghyuk would glare at me with anger, his fist clenched as his gaze was burning glares of pure bloodlust that emitted the feelings of wanting to kill me.

"Look, I have my ways about this..." I argued back, it would be nice if Leon was here...

(KDJ)-...Damn it, I've become overly reliant on him...!

"Sorry to intrude." Uriel suddenly appeared after a minute when the Dokkaebi's had disappeared, the business we had in the first Murim were reasonable but...

(KDJ)-What is she...?!

"A letter." Uriel tossed it to us before leaving, without any single point of explanation as Joonghyuk and I took a look into the contents of this mysterious envelope.

(KDJ)-By the time you are reading this...

It was certainly quite fancy, I could tell the person was an author of a book, a writer.

(KDJ)-I'll be at the Gourmet's Association after a week's time, invited by many constellations, Leon Takuira.

...Was that all he could really write?

"That oyster..." Yoo Joonghyuk bit off a piece of a dumpling angrily and glanced over at me for information.

(KDJ)-You really do shove all your problems onto me...

"..." The worst thing I could say in this situation was...

(KDJ)-...Well, here goes nothing.

"I don't know." I opened my mouth to say this risky phrase, with Yoo Joonghyuk starting to unsheathe his blade, seeing the silver lining coming out as he would point it at me whilst I was still seated and he was standing up.

(KDJ)-I'm so hungover about this shit-




Having already got on board the carriage, the guide would start driving as he explained the lousy details.

(LT)-...I can't believe this...

"Uriel..." I whispered in a very silent voice, the miniature sculpture made of very strong material from my magic was used as a catalyst as her transfer body or a pseudo body one could say.

(LT)-How can you smile in a situation such as this...?

Stuffing her back into my front coat's pocket that was high on my chest, she would stay inside with a pouting expression on her face.

The time felt long, she would send or show me messages through paper, it was rather funny but...her handwriting was rather...

(LT)-Terrible if I'll be honest...


The carriage stopping along with a door opening, I would see a familiar face with an irritated look on them as they expected me to be on the carriage.

"Leon..." Kim Dokja growled before spotting Uriel as he sat beside me with a scoff, I felt rather sorry for him, but I also did not care in the slightest.

"Is that even possible?" Dokja would then move on with his curiosity, looking at the Uriel doll or a moving sculpture of a figurine that was handmade by myself with magic as the catalyst.

"Don't ask, just focus on the objective, and I suppose..." He and I started playing guessing games of which constellation invited us to the feast.

"Queen of the darkest spring?" Dokja questioned to which I shook my head as I guessed as well, "Father of the rich night?" To my surprise, Dokja would shake his head too.

(LT)-...Who the heck invited him then?


The amount of passengers this time were rather large, though the carriage was big enough to fit perhaps...twenty or ten people or so?

(LT)-Three people that...

"Selena Kim." Dokja spouted out, or more like, blurted out just because he saw the brown haired woman's face after she rose her head up.

(LT)-Well...this is going to be unexpectedly troublesome...