{How Far We've Been}

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It had been a week in total ever since I went to the Gourmet Association, and during this week...I was quite busy, very much so that I barely had time to relax despite all the strength I had.


Being hugged by Uriel, yes, the archangel.

(LT)-Why won't she go back to Eden...?

This wasn't her real body, and yet...she was accompanying my journey from a front row seat as a second perspective spectator.

[Queen Of The Darkest Spring Is Laughing With A Muse To Her Grin.]

[Secretive Plotter Wonders If This Is Your Type Of Thing.]

[Prisoner Of The Golden Headband Finds That He Might Have Been Wrong About You.]

[Abyssal Black Flame Dragon Is Muttering Something In A Chunni-Like Manner.]

[Demonic Judge Of Fire Says It's Comfortable.]

Reliving the prior week, Joonghyuk's teacher had also taken a liking to me, but Uriel was there to protect me, or at least be a bluff card.

[Necromancer Of The Afterlife Is Amused.]

(LT)-Well, I'm glad a fight didn't break out.

[Prisoner Of The Golden Headband Is Complaining About Something.]

Apart from Yoo Joonghyuk who was much stronger than before in this regression than any other, I'm sure he was training diligently and using his time to the utmost advantage.

[Secretive Plotter Is Pondering...]

(LT)-If he isn't eating dumplings...

[Abyssal Black Flame Dragon Is Wondering About What You May Do Next.]

"Where are you going?" Uriel asked with a curious expression when I stood up and was headed somewhere, when I thought of food, I would only wonder when was the last time I ate.

[Prisoner Of The Golden Headband Feels Slightly Hungry.]

(LT)-And the Demon King selection scenario is right around the corner...

[Secretive Plotter Says There Should Be More Important Matters To Focus Upon.]

"To the kitchen." I notified her calmly, to which her eyes would shine brightly for an unknown reason.

[Abyssal Black Flame Dragon Argues That You Can't Do Anything Without Having A Full Stomach.]

(LT)-...Is my cooking really that good...?