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"Why did you come?"

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"Why did you come?"

Did I ask out of curiosity, spite, anger?

No, I rather spoke calmly.

My existence already outside the story.

Beyond what walls could endure.

I had countless stories magnifying themselves in developed fables that caused the surrounding environments to fade and dust.

Though there was only a single person of this level that had walked along this thorny road with me.

"...You know I won't ever leave your side."

Alice, why?

You weren't insane.

It wasn't an obsession either.

A curse, that all it was.

"You'll be stuck here for eternity, why are you so...fine with this?!"

I shouted, my calm delusion wavering, the unwaveringly posture I once held had disappeared.

Now I was nothing more than a scared, meek, and angry tired boy.

Tears ran down my face during this moment.

Imagine a feeling such as this.

You feel cold.

Yet warm.

Your back shakes slightly.

Your head being enveloped in a weird yet nostalgic feeling.

Tears being brought to your eyes.

Your heart aching.

Your body giving itself up.

This was what I was feeling, I didn't know how to put it in words, nor how to describe such an action for any-

"Your only friend."

The curtain fell again.

And my story ended.

Yet, it would continue.