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It really bothers me, like it really does.

Out of everyone...he...

(HSY)-Why was I the one to be brought along like this...?

"You're one hell of an asshole, you know that?" I cursed at Kim Dokja whom was always very annoying, Leon was...too, but that was a whole different story.

(HSY)-I can't believe we actually left them behind...well, Leon's there...

"Are you actually going to leave like this, really?" I asked Kim Dokja who didn't even turn to look at me while I glanced back to look at Paradise which was bound to fall soon.

(HSY)-This guy always has plans no matter what...

"I'm done with the things here." Kim Dokja answered, though it didn't sound very viable, "It's not my place to get involved in Paradise, anyway." He said whilst walking in a edgy manner with his hands in his pockets.


"So, you're leaving it to the original course of the novel then?" I assumed with a small smirk, looking at Kim Dokja who was only facing forward while I looked at his face.

"Defeating Reinheit is too difficult and...too much to handle right now, as of currently, plus, even if I do...defeat him, I'll only end up earning a bad fable." Kim Dokja mentioned, he seemed quite calm and relaxed despite it all.

(HSY)-...I'll never understand this guy...

"...Well, that's that, but then why would you leave all your allies behind?" I questioned, not understanding the motive or reason behind that matter.

"They should get some rest too." He told me with a blank expression to which I was surprised by what he said.

"What? Did you just say rest?" I looked this man in the eyes with a distrustful expression as he did not ever have simple reasons.

(HSY)-This liar is definitely joking with that shitty bullcrap of an excuse!

"Hey, tell me honestly. You're definitely sulking right now, aren't you?" I spoke in a teasing tone, smugly grinning at him while gesturing it with my hands, this seemed to make Kim Dokja glance at me with an irritated look.

"You did a lot of things for them, but look how all of them fell for some demon scum they met for the first time, don't' you even feel bad?" I asked curiously, before continuing, "Especially-"

"Leon honestly..." Kim Dokja interrupted me, his eyes showing a coldness that I had only seen once when he was up against Minu Song.


"He deserves it, they all do after what they have all been through." He said with a straight face in a calm and serious manner, this guy...

(HSY)-Honestly, it's really annoying...

"Don't make me laugh, tsk." I scoffed, looking Kim Dokja in the eyes with a serious expression.

"It's not like you're completely clueless about it, are you?" I said, trying to confirm while Kim Dokja seemed to be pondering on about something.

(HSY)-It would...

"Paradise will soon fall."


"They're completely unaware of what's to come unlike Leon." Han Sooyoung said to me with gritted teeth, I could obviously tell she was fed up with my vague comments.