{To Extinction}

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{Late Happy Birthday To Dokja!}

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{Late Happy Birthday To Dokja!}


(SYS)-Blue flames.

(LT)-Never thought I would be on Earth again...

That was what I rained downstream onto the surface of this world, dragon breath, or rather, a highly condensed heat that erupted from inside my core.

The dragon that flew overhead was my hyung, the one I knew, so why...

(LT)-I need to kill all these monsters first...this does look like Korea, hopefully...

The massive flying creature would destroy everything in its path, whether it be alive or not, monsters or humans.

But it didn't harm the humans, and soon enough, the monsters were all eradicated.

[Undoing Dragonization LV.3]

The upgraded version of Dragonification, I was getting used to it now, though I still had both skills...

(LT)-...I have...

Having undone my transformation, I seemed to slowly float down to the ground as my scarf swayed gently in the winds behind me whilst I took a look at my status window which contained a major amount of skills.

(LT)-...Skills, 500+ while Stigmas range almost to the hundreds...attributes are still in the double digits and...my stats have gotten pretty high.

Maybe this was a little too much freedom of power that I retained, from absorbing the Collector Of Stories, and the plausibility that had been used so far.

(LT)-I have quite a lot of things to do-

"Hyung!" Whoever had called me in that moment...

I shouted out, whether it was spouted in a blurted manner on the spot, I didn't care.

The child I watched after, ever since my loneliness had consumed me, I had always felt some sort of pity towards her.

Perhaps I didn't know then, but I knew now, seeing hyung's expression which usually would be calm...but that wasn't the case now.