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I couldn't hear Dokja, but I could tell the conversation was serious.

"Leon...! Pay attention to me...!" Alice pouted as I sighed

"You really are still the same." I smiled

"Of course I am! I see that...you've changed a bit." Alice said with a gloomy expression

"Hey...I'm doing fine." I reassured her as she pouted 

"So, do you know anyone named Shin Yoosung?" I asked as Alice turned towards me with a confused expression

"No, is it someone you need? I mean you told me some parts of the story you've been reading for quite the long time." Alice answered with a shrug, it seems Alice didn't know...

"I see...thanks for answering my questions. I should see the situation at hand." I sighed as I went over to Dokja who was still interrogating the first disciple. Though, based on what Minseob told me. It was highly likely they were a fake, since they didn't even die due to having their head chopped off. Even I didn't have a skill like that.

"Dokja, are you done?" I asked as Dokja seemed to be thinking about something

"Joonghyuk, you don't mind if I do this, right?" I asked Joonghyuk who kept an expressionless face as I crushed the head of the first disciple. I took a look at their status window as it was quite intriguing, Han Sooyoung....

"...My debt has been repaid. I'll be heading back." Joonghyuk scoffed as he started walking away , looks like he didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Dokja shouted as he chased after Joonghyuk as I caught up with them. Alice was keeping her distance from me for some reason...

"I'm changing my plan. Now that the future has changed." Joonghyuk mentioned without looking at Dokja, exchanging eye contact with me.

"Haa..." Dokja sighed, he looked tired of dealing with Joonghyuk's acts.

"Then why don't we all keep working together?" I suggested as Dokja and Joonghyuk looked at me with different reactions

"...No." Joonghyuk said as Dokja looked surprised

"You can't leave the station anyway unless I remove you from the group. Do you want to be punished?" Dokja informed as Joonghyuk glared at him, about to pull out his sword to cut Dokja into pieces.

"Joonghyuk, you're heading towards Jung-gu to complete the scenario, right?" I asked as Joonghyuk set his sword back in its sheath

"Why does the damn sunfish listen to you?" Dokja groaned as Joonghyuk glared at Dokja again

"Joonghyuk, I'll tell you what Dokja's planning if you let me come with you." I said calmly as Dokja looked at me with an expression signaling (You better not.)

"...Fine." Joonghyuk sighed as Dokja spoke up "You have a good reason to be heading up north, don't you?" 

Joonghyuk turned to look Dokja in the eyes as Dokja continued talking "Don't tell me you're going to abandon your family this time." Dokja smiled as Joonghyuk looked extremely pissed off

"Dokja, what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked Dokja while holding Joonghyuk back 


"So, who exactly were they?" Leon asked as I was a bit confused of how he phrased it

"They're the plagiarizer of TWSA, you know the novel called-"

"SSSSSS-GRADE INFINITE REGRESSOR, right?" Leon finished my sentence as I nodded. I remembered how that story practically copied the beginning of TWSA and how I got a flood of hate messages just because I mentioned that.

"Then we'll be spreading copies of it, right? To lure in the other kings?" Leon said, I was surprised as he already caught on to my plan.

"Yeah, so let's get to it."