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Dokja explained his plan fully to me as it was quite the way to make our lives easier. Though I did mention to Dokja that Alice basically ruled Seoul at that point to which Dokja said he already knew. It seems Alice was keeping secrets from me...though I should've expected it, it's not like she did it for bad reasons...

"Leon, are you sure you want to write it by yourself?" Dokja asked me, looking over at Minseob and Seongguk.

"It's fine...and I wanted to tell you something anyway." I said as I was almost done with writing a certain part of the revelation, or what the prophets called it. Of course, it was fake though.

"What is it?" Dokja asked as I looked at him

"Dokja, you've also had this question, right?" I said with Dokja looking at me with a surprised expression before he quickly put on a calm one. He noticed how serious I was as he sighed

"Leon...when do you think the real world ended and when the world of the novel began?" Dokja asked with a lifeless look in his eye, the conclusion I had come to was...

"Dokja, you know there's a certain theory I've thought about. Whether our reality was real or not. But does it really matter? All we have to do is...enjoy our life to the best of our abilities. No matter what or how, just...survive." I answered, Dokja looked content with my answer as he just smiled.

(KIM DOKJA)-Leon...thanks.

I simply smiled as I showed him the computer with the document, he checked it as he lifted it down from his face and looked at me with awe.

"Were you a writer before?" Dokja asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice

"Yeah, I'll tell you a few things about me sometime. And maybe...you could tell me a few things about yourself?" I said as Dokja smiled

"Really." Dokja chuckled as he looked a bit more cheerful than before



"Our mission won't be easy." I reminded them, we were going over the plan to make sure we didn't make any mistakes.

"If we don't take Changsin station within the next 40 hours, our group will perish." I said sternly as they all listened attentively

"Nothing's ever been easy for us. Who are we up against now?" Huiwon asked with her arms crossed, she had a grin on her face ready to take on anything.

"Someone called the tyrant king." Leon mentioned as I added on "He is one of the seven kings of Seoul. He has the largest territory in the northern Seoul area."

"They say he takes any beautiful men and women as his concubines, while killing or making slaves of all the ugly people." I informed them

"I guess you might end up a slave, Dokja." Huiwon joked with a serious expression on her face

"The same could be said about you, Huiwon." I said sarcastically, gaining a glare from Huiwon.

"I mean...we could just kill him." Leon suggested, he grabbed an item in shape of a gun out of his pocket as I made him put it back.

"We have two options." I mentioned as they all went silent to listen

"We either take his flag, or we can take over Dobong station, his headquarters." I explained the options to them before saying "But we'll head toward Gwanghwamun first."

The others looked a bit confused expect for Leon

"But why? I thought we were fighting them?" Huiwon said, Leon rolled his eyes as I continued "They'll come to us. I've leaked some intel that might be of interest to them."