{Sorry, It Was A Little Too Much, Wasn't It...[][]?}

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What am I writing this story for?
Lives were taken because of me.
What am I suppose to say, that it was all for that single person I wanted to see...again at the end of that road?
After arguing for so long, maybe I didn't deserve such a thing.
So the only words I could say next were...
"I'm sorry."
Who was I apologizing to during this moment?
Was that memory so clear that I didn't remember it?
Or was it because the clarity of those meanings were etched into my heart like a tombstone that I forgot such a thing?
"So, what are you sorry for, Author-nim?"
The brown hair boy beside me, because of my immature selfish decision...he took the burdens all alone.
He already suffered enough, even more so for the one I wanted to see.
If this boy disappeared, one day...the grief would disappear alongside me.
"...I'm sorry, Leon."
The boy's innocent happy expression was rather carefree, sweet, and pure.
"There's nothing to be sorry about, just look after your friend!"
The untainted corrupt sentences that poured out like honey yet was like a spiderweb entangling me.
"I'll always understand."
The abandoned boy.
The one left to starve.
The one left to die.
The one with no friends.
The one who lived a life completely of solitude.
The one used as a tool.
What else could I say?
There were so many things I could list that he had endured throughout his life as a child.
In a span of only a few months.
On his birthday no less, was his whole reality reversed from one of happiness to despair.
Another Kim Dokja.

"I know you do." I fucking smiled, full of pain, tears just begging to claw at me.

I hugged the child, he was eight years old, just moments prior before the grim stakes had struck him.

"Author-nim..." We knew each other for a while, a long moment, it was so hard to understand.

"It's not your fault, it's no one's..." I kept crying, weeping, sobbing.

Clinging onto him in a warm embrace, wanting to keep him safe, and then...

"He crumbled away in your very hands."

The fourth wall.

No, it wasn't just a wall anymore.


Despite being the very one who brought him here.

"He wasn't allowed such a thing."


"He isn't even...!"

"The fourth wall, an endless peril of a damn journey."
"Countless memories, eons of cracks."
"Just putting all the blame on another person, even if it was just me."
"I kept running away."
"I just..."


"...wished for a far distant dream..."


Responding back in kind, in a lazy yet calm manner, my eyes opened to-