{Heroic Spirit}

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[Endless Reclamation LV? Has Been Released!]

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[Endless Reclamation LV? Has Been Released!]

Sprinting through the adversary of blades and weapons amidst this very battle field of war that held against our attrition.

It would seem I was the one who started the first move, to which I took with no hesitation.


The bash of our weapons clashing with one another, but as he was more skilled then me, overtaking the second the swords made contact as he used that moment to aim for my side with his second blade to which I barely had time to react due to his immense speed.


Another loud metal bang, my footing not yet lost, but I was blown backwards whilst facing him after blocking the blunt attack of destruction force.

(LT)-He isn't going all out against me...


As if my thoughts were not on track with my assumptions, I had lost sight of the man to only glance back to find a glimpse of him behind me in a instant with a blade already aiming for my head whether it be my neck or not he did indeed want to kill me with this blow.


The rust skidding off as I redirected the blade barely to save my own skin, a small cut on my face as I clenched my teeth, this was a lot more painful than I would've thought to imagine.

(LT)-What skills does he have...?!

My calm demeanor shaken, my composure shook, I couldn't help but panic as another strike of slashes were descending upon me.


Flying back again, but with greater force with the strength my foe emitted from his very blades, he would then appear in front of me again with quick feet that were very impossible to follow even with the slim chance of winning for victory of this battle.

(LT)-Defend, god damn it...DEFEND...!

Doing my utmost best to deflect, parry, or block if possible, an exchange of attacks were thrown all over as I haven't yet struck him once as I fell to the ground.

"Haa..." One breath was all I needed to quickly get back up to engage in battle, but noticing how he had paused and stood in a fighting stance, maybe I could still...

(LT)-...That probably isn't an option.

My breathing unstable and heavy, fast and slow, adrenaline flowing through my veins like a rupture was taking place within me.


Catching the green aura that flew off his body, there was a time limit after all for how long he could stay, all I had to do was-