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(HWJ)-Leon's here now...

...It felt strange seeing him again, though it was also pleasant, but I had begun questioning things whether or not I should...

(HWJ)-...I want Leon to answer...the thoughts I have.

We had arrived at Paradise, the ruler of the fortress had claimed that we didn't have to complete the scenarios.

(HWJ)-I still don't trust a single thing here...

Entering inside the fortress, the owner was explaining everything while Leon was looking around, he also had released Dokja and the others from a skill he had.

(HWJ)-...Leon is...a good person...that much I know...but he...

Leon was a killer, I knew that much, his previous job before all this started must've been...

(HWJ)-Hard on him...I ebt it was...the same feeling I had...it's no wonder he feels so distant right now...

Dokja and Leon were talking about something, something I would never come to understand, they were both very similar in a way despite their differences.

(HWJ)-...It's funny..but...why have I continued these scenarios?

Was it because of what I had to do to for survival up until that point...?

Or was it because...

"Huiwon." Leon's voice called out to me, pristine and clear, a relaxing and calm vibe as I felt the tension drop.

(HWJ)-...This was why...

"So, how have you been?" He asked, this jerk...

(HWJ)-...But I don't regret it...

"It's been good." I smiled, nothing would go bad if...Leon didn't do anything too crazy.


Huiwon was talking about the past days she spent here, though she says she was willing to follow me wherever I went, she really trusted me a lot...

(LT)-Maybe too much...

It wasn't a bad thing, but she looked happy.

Huiwon wasn't a character that was part of the story, of TWSA.

Then what was she?

(LT)-A real person, if I change the story...then the story already isn't the same if I change the events...isn't that right?

"And you won't lose anyone here." Huiwon finished, we stopped walking, Dokja seemed to be discussing things with Sooyoung at the current moment.

"...You may stay here if you like, since I plan on continuing onward to the final scenario. This is probably one of the safest places, and will be for a long time. But it's only the 9th scenario, it isn't even the 10th or the 30th." I said calmly, chuckling as Huiwon's eyes widened in shock.


"...May I just..." Huiwon began to speak, burying her head on my chest.

(HWJ)-...You're a jerk...you could've not told me that...

I felt sorry for her, since we already went through a difficult time, but it'll only get easier if I...if I became stronger for everyone.