Side Quests LOL

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Number 1-During when the group was traveling underground in the third to fourth scenario...

"We still have some days to spare, so why not look around?" Leon suggested in a calm and calculative manner with the same serene look on his face as always while his voice not vibrating much emotion because he didn't need to for it to express what he thought.

"...I guess that sounds good..." Dokja sighed, seemingly distracted by his phone as he was obviously reading TWSA.

(LEON TAKUIRA)-Well, what do you know, he's on his phone...again for the 114th time.

They walked around, Gilyoung sticking between Dokja and me as Huiwon traveled with us.

Huiwon seemed to want to chat, but the atmosphere was a little bit...well off for any sort of conversation, I'm sure she'll-

"Guys!" Huiwon suddenly shouted out of nowhere as we all turned around and saw what Huiwon was looking at

"...McDonalds?" Dokja said with a surprised look,the building was still running and...

"I think we should take a look." Leon said, his face calm, but he was a bit excited to see such a building here.

The group entered inside, it was surprisingly clean even with some dried blood on the walls, and it was when the group noticed Leon starting to clean the place.

(KIM DOKJA)-...I'm not even going to ask...

(HUIWON JEONG)-Wow, Leon's quick with it.

(LEE GILYOUNG)-Hyung is amazing...

"I'll go take a look in the kitchen now." Leon said, he seemed to be smiling slightly as the others stared at him.

"Dokja, did you..." Huiwon began to say with Dokja frivolously shaking his head and hands to signify a no, while Gilyoung smelled something amazing from the kitchen as the scent began to travel through the air.

"Hyung can cook?!" Gilyoung said with an ecstatic expression on his face, almost jumping out of his chair.

Leon soon exited the kitchen with a couple burgers, and they were wrapped perfectly too!

"Wow..." Gilyoung gasped in awe, seeming to remember something as Leon handed him a burger.

"Thanks." Huiwon smiled at Leon, before taking a burger and unwrapping it.

"...I rather not know why your cooking skills level is so high..." Dokja said as Leon squinted at him

(LEON TAKUIRA)-...I guess it is unusually high...

The others began eating, but that wasn't long before they heard-

(HUIWON JEONG)-...What the hell...?

"Huiwon, take Gilyoung with you for a moment." Leon said to Huiwon who could onoy nod as her mouth was gaping in disgust.

Leon couldn't believe what he was seeing, oh the horror!

How could Dokja do a tomato?!

It was turned into a horrifying image resembling hell as it looked anything but an tomato!

(LEON TAKUIRA)-And there he is...smiling cluelessly unaware of what he's done...

" you dislike tomatoes?" Leon asked Dokja who had almost finished eating

"Hmm...yeah?" Dokja said casually which shocked Leon even more


(LEON TAKUIRA)-Impossible, who...who...

" you like Pizza?" Leon asked with a terrified expression, unlike his usual self who was often calm.

"...Why are you looking at me like that?" Dokja said with a concerned gaze

"Answer the question, DO. YOU. LIKE. PIZZA?" Leon asked once again in a more demanding tone as he gripped Dokja's shoulders

"No! I don't! You can let go!" Dokja hurriedly said which made Leon faint

(LEON TAKUIRA)-This man...doesn't like tomatoes...