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I couldn't move, or was it because I simply didn't want to? My legs were shaking a lot, I wonder why.

(KIM DOKJA)-Move...

(KIM DOKJA)-I said move...move it...!

I could only watch as Leon and the other dealt with the humanoid demons, but Minu Song...he was...

"...Hey, aren't you going to do something? Your partner over there probably left that guy for us to fight." Sooyoung said, pointing at Minu Song as she glanced over at Leon who was almost already finished with restraining all the humanoid demons.

(KIM DOKJA)-...That's right...Dokja, look at it. That's no longer a human being, you're fine.

"...Sorry, I was a bit lost in thought." I sighed, calming my nerves. It was strange, why am I suddenly so calm now when I was feeling such a tremendous amount of fear earlier?


(KIM DOKJA)-...Maybe because of this...but I'm still least I have a vague idea of how this skill works now...

"I'll finish this quickly then." I spoke with absolute confidence


(LEON TAKUIRA)-Everything should be done, now lets see Dokja's progress-


The humanoid demon known as Minu Song had been punched straight through a building. He laid unconscious, near death's door.

"...Wow." Alice said, looking a bit surprised.

"Is it finally over?" Yoosung asked me, I nodded in response as I handed her a triangle kimbap. Yoosung took it gratefully and ate it quickly, I patted her head after before going to check up on Dokja who was already examining Minu Song's body.

"Dokja, how was it?" I asked him, he turned to face me as he was smiling.

"Great, and...thanks again as usual." Dokja grinned, patting me on the back.

(LEON TAKUIRA)-...That's weird...

"So, I've noticed that none of the humanoid demons have died. Can I kill them?" Sooyoung asked with a smirk, I looked at Dokja who had a blank expression.

(KIM DOKJA)-Don't tell her, it's not worth it.

(LEON TAKUIRA)-...Fine...

"Go ahead if you want, though you'll dearly regret later." I sighed, Sooyoung looked at Dokja who shrugged at her. Sooyoung looked confused, but that didn't stop her from killing Minu Song.

"Huh? Why am I getting so many notifications?" Sooyoung said, well she was going to regret this decision quite a lot.

"...What the hell is this?!" Sooyoung shouted

(LEON TAKUIRA)-And there it is.

"You should be glad he warned you." Dokja grinned, Sooyoung looked pissed off though.

(KIM DOKJA)-I knew that would happen

"YOU BASTARD!" Sooyoung screamed at us

(LEON TAKUIRA)-Well, we should get a move on now.


After letting Han Sooyoung get the final blow, she was complaining about it a lot. Currently our group was wandering around, trying to find the others. I was hoping that we won't come across Joonghyuk in case he wanted to kill me after what I did...I had also got to know Leon's members during this time interval as well.

"Oh, look!" Victoria shouted, we stopped at a place with cages as we looked around. There was nothing peculiar, but...

"Ugh, what the heck?!" Dallis grunted, covering his mouth as I ran over to see what he found.

(KIM DOKJA)-That's...!

The corpses and limbs of body parts of humans that laid on the wall made me feel sick, there were a few ways to transform into a humanoid demon, and cannibalism was one of them...

"...Savages, every single one of them." Jeanne said with a grossed out expression


(KIM DOKJA)-Gunshots...?!

"...Let's go." Leon said, we followed after Leon as he led us to the sound of the noise. When we arrived, there was...

(KIM DOKJA)-Werewolves carcasses burnt to a crisp, and there's a lot of them too...

"Looks like the work of elemental bullets. They're probably nearby." Leon said, it was then we saw a group of people with prisoner outfits behind the stack of werewolf corpses. One of them wore a trench coat that had a pale brown color, she wore a mask as she seemed...familiar...

"Hey, do you saying there was someone like you at Seodaemun penitentiary?" Sooyoung said to me, "That's her group over there." Sooyoung informed, it was then when suddenly a notification window appeared.



(KIM DOKJA)-It's time to update already




(LEON TAKUIRA)-Isn't this...

While I was observing their status windows, there was one that stuck out to me.

(LEON TAKUIRA)-It might be a coincidence, but...

One of them rose their guns and began firing, I stood still as the bullets hit the stack of werewolf corpses which revealed a yellow meteorite. Now I was sure of it, that woman in the middle of the crowd is...