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(LT)-Well, if they'll deal with things themselves...I can wait for Alice who I supposedly need to remedy, make her...normal I guess.

A heavy sigh, escaping my dry lips as I closed my eyes, eventually...it would stop working and...

(LT)-...I have to finish by the time it happens...if the timing is wrong then...

Maybe the prophecy would become true, and I would fully disappear from this world.


I didn't need to finish reading the message as I already knew, of what I had to solve first.


(KDJ)-Dionysus's incarnation...

I had a feeling of what he was here for, though I wasn't quite certain, yet.

"...Are you here to tell me that I'm going to die because of that prophecy?" I said while putting my sword away into the coat whole Dionysus looked amused, but not surprised.

"So you knew..." Dionysus stood tall as Han Sooyoung kept track of our conversation.

"Was it you who read my fate?" I asked, just to make my suspicions clear.

"Well, it was Olympus that read your fate on behalf of a certain someone, but yes." Dionysus would respond which would only make me curious as he continued with a serious expression on his face, "If you're only specifically asking about me, then no." Dionysus answered in a blunt and straightforward tone, I had a few...maybe a couple of ideas as to what this could mean...were things progressing faster than I would have imagined or liked in that matter.

"Did Olympus split up?" I assumed as this was the most likely predicament after the tenth scenario in the novel or so I remembered, but not all my knowledge would be sufficient.

"You're quite clever as always." Dionysus would smile before his lips curled back into a normal expression.

(KDJ)-Events...everything is moving faster than they did in the novel, even if the breaking up of Olympus should've happened after the tenth scenario...I wonder if something-

My thoughts cut off as Dionysus kept talking, "It's not just Olympus if I may say as of now. There are also other constellations and nebulae after you, they are quite a strong group." Dionysus's tone becomes grim, his expression showing a brief...sense of concern as I reacted calmly, "...Why are they after me?" Is what I could simply respond with as the channel was still going on, if Bihyung wanted to turn it off, he would have to...

"They are very much cowardly, so they're quite afraid of the influence that you have." Dionysus seemed to sign as I wondered why....

"I'm just a beginner constellation? Is that something to worry about?" I said to Dionysus who only nodded, "Yes, why that is true..." Dionysus began to speak as he started talking, "But this scenario that began on Earth is...very much special." Dionysus would mention to me, "Some constellations think that this single scenario is the very one we've been waiting all this time for..." Dionysus would then stare into my eyes as if he was reading my soul, the yellow lighting, radiating as the words he uttered out next were...

But then, you had appeared, like a comet I suppose." Dionysus said, the wind blowing as if signaling a important moment, I sort of felt...meaning in those words as I was reminded that I...

"I'm not really sure nor if I do understand...but I feel that I'm a interference in this scenario somehow?" I chuckle nervously, one drop of sweat sliding down my face near my mouth, it was quite...surprising to hear anyway.