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(After a long day, Biyoo heals me

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(After a long day, Biyoo heals me...)

"You're back already!" Hel showed quite a pleased expression as she was intrigued by the scenario I just put on.

"I never thought there would be someone as..." She would begin to say as Uriel wanted to complain about something right then and there if the screen of Yoo Joonghyuk hadn't appeared before me with the help of a small Dokkaebi.


The catastrophe of floods, or the other 41st round's Biyoo was with the others on Earth, I had heard some things from Yoo Joonghyuk and...

(LT)-I wonder how the kids are doing...?

Lee Gilyoung, the one who ventured with me at the start willingly without questions.

A valuable...


It wouldn't be right to call him an asset, because that would be what the old me would have thought.

"A...y...out of it?" Hel's voice finally reached me with a snap of her fingers I would turn towards her as Biyu floated over my head, hovering in an adorable manner.

"I would like to say it is quite interesting how you got a Dokkaebi on your side like this, but what's even more appetizing is...your story." That was when I realized, I could be eaten, my story was...

"Though, I suppose we could entertain ourselves with the bets taking place." Pointing at the scenario in the martial arts realm that Kim Dokja probably had planned out as Yoo Joonghyuk was participating in it.

"You know, after this..." Hel smirked as she was about to place her hand on my chest as I placed a bet of all my coins on Joonghyuk.


(LT)-Seems everyone is looking at me now...

"You're surprisingly rich aren't you?" Hel stared at me, wide eyed in awe, a genuine smile crossing her face with a laugh.

"My parent would probably..." As she spoke, the battle on screen was getting rather heated, curiosity turning into true excitement.

The constellations were in an uproar as the fight continued on, the screen before me would show a subtle change as my jaw dropped at what just happened.

The constellations were in an uproar as the fight continued on, the screen before me would show a subtle change as my jaw dropped at what just happened

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(LT)-Is this...real?

It was similar to a gender swap case I had before, I did indeed have my skills improved while in a female form, but I guess Joonghyuk needed something like this to use the martial art of the Sky Breaking Sword to its full power...?

Upon watching further, a loud thunder before his de-transformation after his victory was rather abrupt due to the massive income of coins I was receiving

[Coins Possessed: 6B+]
[Coins Possessed: 12B+]
(LT)-Jesus Christ...

The coins that the opposing constellations had bet were being stacked up like a pile of snowflakes in the season of winter or leaves in fall or spring onto my balance of credit or...the coins I now possessed.

[Coins Possessed: 67B+]

"...How much did you earn?" Hel was intently staring at me, it seems she also bet a huge sum on Yoo Joonghyuk which paid off, if I remember correctly...

(LT)-The announcement of my bid...

"...No comment." I simply answered as her eyes would glitter like stars, the other notifications I was getting from constellations around were either positive, neutral, or just plain negative.

"Well, you've angered quite the ugly mob, I like you though." Hel bluntly commented as she stood by my side, it seems I gathered one ally...

"I suppose I'll take my leave then." Using a skill to warp outside, I would find myself at the exit door of the castle itself, it seems there was a boundary...

(LT)-A car engine?!

The sounds of wheels and the acceleration noise was familiar, thus, a vehicle arrived in an orderly fashion with Kim Dokja riding on it along with Anna Croft's companions as well as Persephone.

"Is that your friend, young man?" The old person in the driver's seat asked as an extra seat was created, hopping on as we waited for the gates to open, and once it did...we bursted out the doors and out onto the open world.

"Hello again, Iris." I called her name in a friendly way as she smiled at me, Kim Dokja though...he was glaring at Anna Croft.

(LT)-Though I can understand why...

Anna Croft seemed to be observing the situation before making a response, "...Iris would've lived without your help." Anna stated bluntly with but a calm gaze, "...But, I appreciate the support." It seemed Anna took a liking to the stigma I granted Iris.

"It may have been more favorable if Iris was to be in contract with...well, this turned out greater than expected is all." She mused as Selena Kim still seemed to be processing things while Iris was shyly seated and taking peeks at me.

"How are you handling this so calmly?" Kim Dokja whispered whilst staring out into space, not making eye contact so it wouldn't be obvious that we were talking.

(LT)-...You get used to it.

"Oh, it seems...the exit has arrived."